Ideas for Spring 2019 Blog Posts

“This I Believe” podcast:

  1. I want to write about how I think that most people are genuinely good people, and I find it very important to value every person and recognize that they are human. I could write about how I misunderstood people or judged them without getting to know them, and how in the end I realized that they were a lot better of a person than what I first thought.
  2. I think that I learned a lot of valuable lessons from when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer/when I lost my grandfather. So I think that I could use those story to write about how it showed me the fragility of life and the importance of valuing the people I love.

Passion Blog:

  1. I am interested in writing about baking, focusing this semester on new recipes in addition to how baking affects the mood on my floor. I was really interested in writing about the social aspect of baking rather than the recipes, and I want to continue to do so, but also explore and improve my baking.
  2. I am interested in writing about crime, specifically when people are falsely accused of crimes and how it affects their life after.

Civic Issues blog:

  1. I want to explore politics more because I feel like I need to learn a lot about current issues, specifically political issues. I think it would be really interesting to write about political parties and why they are so split in today’s society.
  2. I am also interested in education. I think it would be interesting to write about college sports, especially at a football school like Penn State.

4 Comments on Ideas for Spring 2019 Blog Posts

  1. Tiara
    January 10, 2019 at 6:13 pm (6 years ago)

    I think discussing the fragility of life would be very interesting especially with the two stories you could share. I did enjoy reading your blogs about baking and I think diving into the social aspects would make it more interesting. I would like to see how you cover sports in education because there are a few controversies surrounding it.

  2. Jenna Paritee
    January 10, 2019 at 6:19 pm (6 years ago)

    1. I also agree that exploring the concept of the fragility of life would be interesting in terms of how recognizing that fragility has changed how you live your own life currently.
    2. Last semester a girl in my class also had a blog about baking and I enjoyed reading it a lot so I would be very intrigued to see your take on it. I think showing how baking can change moods/attitudes is a really cool angle.
    3. I think a civic issues blog about politics could be a great learning experience because it is a great way tooth educate yourself and your audience. I look forward to reading this because there are a lot of political issues that I don’t know much about either.

  3. Rebecca
    January 10, 2019 at 6:20 pm (6 years ago)

    I really like your this I believe idea. Life is so fragile and because you have such a personal story to tie in with it it’ll be very interesting and heartfelt. I love your passion blog idea because baking is something I’m awful at so maybe I can learn something. Lastly, your civic issues blog is a great idea because Politics are very loaded and interesting. Great work!

  4. Britani
    January 10, 2019 at 6:50 pm (6 years ago)

    I think all your ideas are great. For the “This I Believe”, I agree with what Tiara and Jenna said about discussing the fragility of life. I really like the idea of the baking blog, and I think either civic issue blog idea could work.