TIB Draft

I love Shirley Temples. They are my favorite drink ever, but not because of the taste. During my grandfather’s last day, he noticed that he was surrounded by all of his family. But he was starting to lose reality, and thought that the nursing home he was in was actually his house. So he went around the room, and asked everyone what drink he could get them, to be a good host. I told him I wanted a Shirley Temple, completely aware that he would not be able to get that for me. Since then, I’ve ordered Shirley Temples at almost every opportunity I can, because it gives me a chance to remember and appreciate my grandfather, something I should have done when he was still with me.

I believe that everyone should take time to appreciate their grandparents. I grew up only knowing one grandparent, as my other grandparents passed before I was born or when I was too young to remember. When I was in elementary school, I spent a lot of time after school with my pop-pop. But as I moved into middle school, I became more focused on spending time with my friends than my family. I would skip out on going to my pop-pop’s house to go to the mall with my friends. I would miss family dinners to go to a movie. I took my relatives’ time for granted. I thought I had longer with my pop-pop and I could always spend time with him later but see my friends now.

At the end of 8th grade my pop-pop had a bad fall. He had a head injury that landed him in the hospital. Little did I know that he would continue to be under special care for the rest of his life. That summer I spent as much time as possible with him. The week that he died I spent every day with him, I ate most meals in the nursing home, and I made sure that I spent as much time with him as possible. But it wasn’t enough.

I miss my pop-pop. I would give anything to be able to spend more time with him, but that’s not possible. I regret the time I could have spent with my pop-pop but didn’t. And I am certain to avoid that mistake again. From his death, I’ve learned is that it’s important to take time to appreciate the ones around you. Life is fragile, and I find value in recognizing that it is finite.

I took my grandfather for granted. I used to take my parents for granted, but when I got to college, I realized how important they are to me. I call them everyday, and feel so appreciative when they come to visit or when I can come home. I compliment my friends when I am thinking something positive about them. Not expecting a compliment back, but to emphasize that I appreciate them and have positive things to share. I celebrate birthdays, because they are the perfect opportunity to express how much I care about my loved ones. I drink Shirley Temples, because it reminds me that life is finite, and there is a lot of beauty in the fragility of life.

2 Comments on TIB Draft

  1. Tiara
    January 17, 2019 at 5:31 pm (5 years ago)

    The conflict in the blog was between your want to spend time with your friends vs the time you spent with your family. I think it would be nice if you described some of the things you did specifically with your pop-pop. The belief did match up to the story I like how you specified your belief statement to being about grandparents instead of just family. Starting your story at the end and then working backwards.

  2. Rebecca
    January 17, 2019 at 5:42 pm (5 years ago)

    1.Identify the conflict of this piece. If you think the conflict needs work, offer suggestions. The conflict is that you feel like you didn’t spend enough time or appreciate your pop-pop enough when he was here.

    2. Comment on the arrangement of the piece. Could the piece be more sensory or engaging if told another way? I think it’s arranged well, however, i think you should put your belief earlier on, because It sounds like your this I believe is about shirley temples at first, and it’s a little confusing but other than that it’s great!

    3. Name some possibilities for deeper characterization. How could the “I” be developed further? Is there more you would like to know about the relationships between “characters”? Were some details “author oriented” instead of “audience-oriented”? You use”i” very well as you detail your relationship with you pop-pop. it’s a very personal beautiful story that also includes the audience because we can feel and see how important he was to you.

    4. Did the belief match up with the story? Offer some advice if you felt the piece moved toward a different conclusion. Yes, your belief matches up perfectly with the story.

    5. Suggest ways that the piece could engage the senses more. I think you could engage the senses more by adding more detail about what you and pop-pop did together.

    6. Make a suggestion or two for something the author could move, change, add, or delete. I think you could just add more detail about why he was so special and that would envoke lots of emotion from the audience. You could add this to persuade your audience that time without grandparents is precious because these memories are precious and unique.