Benefits of Baking

Unfortunately, this weekend was yet another no baking weekend for me. So, I decided to look at the psychological benefits of baking. I found an interesting article from the Huffington Post about baking for others, and its benefits. I’ve noticed that when I’m stressed out, I can bake and share it with others to cope with whatever is stressing me out. Baking reminds me of the people that I care about and how I can give them something to show appreciation.

The first benefit that the article cited was that baking is a creative outlet for people. I completely agree, because I enjoy decorating cupcakes and cookies. And when I have a finished product, I feel proud of my work and I think that it helps to have created something. Being creative is productive and helps create a stress relief for those doing the work. Especially since I have not been dancing recently, it is nice that I have a way to let my creativity flow.

Baking is also a form of communication. Similar to what I mentioned earlier, when I can communicate to my friends that I appreciate them through giving them baked goods, that makes me feel good and it helps show them that I care. This article explains that in many ways, food is an expression of love, and I completely agree with that.

Baking is a form of meditation and mindfulness, both of which help increase happiness and reduce stress. Baking requires a lot of attention; it’s easy to be consumed by the act of mindfulness in the present moment, and that helps reduce stress. Baking helps balance the small moments, of measuring things or following a step-by-step process with the bigger picture, which is the ultimate baked good.

If you give your baked goods to others, that can help increase one’s well being. It helps people feel that they’ve benefitted other people and done something good for the world. And, baking to some extent can be a sacrifice made for someone else (sacrificing your time and ingredients to make food for others), and this selfless act helps someone feel really good about themselves.

Although baking has all of these benefits, if it stressing the baker out, then the baker should consider another way to provide appreciation for their friend. Baking is not for everyone, and it’s important to recognize when it’s not for you.

3 Comments on Benefits of Baking

  1. Alex
    February 21, 2019 at 5:24 pm (6 years ago)

    It’s interesting to read about the effects that food can have on interpersonal relationships. I think that sharing a meal with someone can sometimes have a similar effect to baking for someone else. It shows appreciation and sacrifice and can really help improve the bond between individuals.

  2. scs399
    February 21, 2019 at 5:34 pm (6 years ago)

    It’s unfortunate you weren’t able to bake this weekend, but I found your findings on benefits of baking very interesting. Great post!

  3. Rebecca
    February 21, 2019 at 5:44 pm (6 years ago)

    This is great. I love the research approach you took this week. It’s good to know how great baking can be for someone.