Vegan Tips for Baking

I use baking as a way to relax and relieve stress. Baking helps me when I’m having a bad day. However, this week I’ve had baking on my agenda for my blog, but it lead to stress. Since I was planning on baking for homework, not for fun, I saw it as a task I needed to do and started to dread it. Since I realized that baking was no longer the fun activity it once was, I decided to not bake this week. I am planning on baking this weekend with my friend in my dorm, not specifically to write a blog about, but because she asked me to make carrot cake with her.

Since I have been doing research on the treatment of animals and how factory farms are very harmful for the environment for my Issue Brief, I wanted to look up some tips for vegan baking. I know that the chickens that eggs come from are horribly mistreated, to the point where many of them are unable to walk. Because of this, I want to bake without supporting these horrible practices (as buying new eggs or more milk or an animal product from a factory farm would do) and I wanted to share some ways that people can bake more ethically.

Eggs are probably the most important change when baking. I have recently used applesauce and bananas as substitutes for eggs. I also found that a new egg replacement is aquafaba, which is the liquid that comes in a can of chickpeas. One can of diet soda can replace two eggs, according to the Ultimate Vegan Baking Guide.

Another thing to consider is butter. Although margarine is a popular substitute for butter, many brands are made with hydrogenated oils, which are not healthy. Earth Balance is a brand to consider, which does not have hydrogenated oils. Coconut oil (substitute one-to-one) or olive oil (1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons is equal to one cup of butter) can also be used to replace butter, and they do not include these harmful oils.

Another tip I found is to take honey out of baking. I did not realize before that honey is not vegan, but if you’re planning on baking for someone that’s vegan, you should avoid honey. Maple syrup or agave can be used as a replacement for honey.

I’m really excited to try these tips out. In the past I have not noticed a difference in taste when I’ve replaced eggs with applesauce, and I hope to have similar outcomes when I continue to use vegan recipes.


2 Comments on Vegan Tips for Baking

  1. Alex
    March 28, 2019 at 5:09 pm (5 years ago)

    Cool! I’ve never really thought about using substitutes for eggs. I just came to the realization that the addition of eggs to baking is more of a texture addition than anything else. I wonder what the use of bananas or applesauce tastes like? Does it change the texture of the baked good too?

  2. Rebecca
    March 28, 2019 at 5:10 pm (5 years ago)

    I’m sorry you had a stressful week! I’m glad you were able to find something else to do. The egg substitute is really a great topic. I often switch out eggs in my recipes as well, it honestly can create some great new tastes.