Reflection on Baking

Unfortunately this weekend I did not bake. My parents came up to visit on Sunday and I was busy on Saturday. However, I am planning on baking cookies this Thursday to thank my friend’s family for being so kind to let me visit in Virginia. However, that will be too late for me to blog about. So I wanted to reflect on this blog, and look at how baking has affected my freshman year.

I’ve always enjoyed baking, but towards the end of high school and especially now, baking has become an important part of my identity. I ran into one of my friends and one of his friends at the HUB this weekend, and his friend said, “you’re the girl who made the amazing cookies! Please let me know the next time you bake!” He remembered that, even though I haven’t baked cookies for weeks.

I’ve also learned that baking can help when I’m stressed or upset, but I can also get stressed about baking. When I make baking an assignment, like I tended to do with these blogs, I would get stressed and not want to do it. But over winter and spring break I’ve noticed that I wanted to bake more since I wasn’t baking to write a blog about it, but to have fun and share food with other people.

I want to encourage everyone to find something that they’re passionate about. People can hate baking and that’s totally okay, but maybe someone is passionate about sewing or knitting or painting or reading; the list goes on and on. There are so many activities to learn and pursue, and I really recommend finding something that’s fun, and a great way to relieve stress. I’ve found that I like baking so much because I can give back to others, and I think sewing knitting or even painting has that same effect! Reading can also spark interesting conversations and start new friendships.

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday who is going through a breakup. He said that he wanted someone as a support system or someone to be there for him. But I think that that passion can be redirected to a hobby like baking or sewing or painting, instead of relying on someone else to make him happy. Ultimately, I think that we should do what makes us happy, and I highly encourage everyone to find what hobby that is!

2 Comments on Reflection on Baking

  1. scs399
    April 4, 2019 at 4:46 pm (5 years ago)

    When I feel stressed, I go to the piano to cope with it. It makes me feel relaxed and positively changes my mood. It’s great that baking is your go-to as a stress reliever and I hope you’ll be able to make more cookies soon!

  2. Rebecca
    April 4, 2019 at 4:47 pm (5 years ago)

    This is so precious. I am inspired always by the way you use baking to make a positive impact in the lives of those around you. That is so commendable, and you should feel so proud of yourself!