Spring Break From the Gym

Jogging-silhouette-06To say that spring break was relaxing would be an understatement. It was definitely a nice week away from school. It also ended up being a break from my weekly five day gym schedule. I was pretty excited about this going into break, not having to worry about getting to the gym and not having anyone judge me for it. However, to my surprise I missed it.

I definitely wasn’t expecting to miss going to the gym. Everyday I dread having to get up and walk to the gym although this has been getting less and less. It was different over break, after skipping my usual Sunday and Monday gym runs I started looking for a way to get to the gym. It wasn’t just that I felt bad about not going I genuinely wanted to go.

nikeBeing at home though I didn’t have a gym membership and I decided to go for a jog instead. So on Tuesday I laced up my Nike’s and ventured out. It felt really good to jog outside, something I’m way more using to doing from running heavy softball practices and my short attempt at cross country. I was embarrassed to run outside before going to the gym just because I figured I was too out of shape. The two mile jog I decided on was not too difficult and I actually decided to run for longer than I thought I could. This was really encouraging and was a really nice sign of progress. I decided to do the same jog for the rest of the week and any other exercises I could do in my living room.

When I arrived back at school Sunday afternoon I was excited to get back to the gym. It felt nice to work out as much as I had become used to. Being way from the gym gave me a new appreciation for it I didn’t have before. I’m also happy to say I’ve added jogging to my weekly workout and I’m really happy about it. I enjoy it way more than running on the treadmill and it’s especially nice since the weather has been getting better. I don’t really know when it happened but I think all of the sudden I like going to the gym.


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