In the News

Some News Articles about Daly’s Work

Notable Press Releases

January 8, 1998: Press Release on the Acceleration of the Universe As indicated by Radio Galaxies
(This press release was prepared by Jackie Savani, who was the press officer of Princeton University at the time the release was written.)

January 21, 1998: Women in Science: Ruth Daly on Women in Science

January 4, 2010: Press Conference: “Black Hole Spins of Radio Sources

Notable Presentations

Webcast of Talk “The Dark Energy Indicator: A Measure of Deviations of w from -1
Presented at the Conference “A Decade of Dark Energy,” STSCI, May 2008

A Decade of Dark Energy: 1998 – 2008 Retrospective Presented at the 2008 UCLA Symposium “Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe” R. A. Daly, 2009, in the proceedings of the 2008 UCLA conference “Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe,” AIP