The decade of 1970s was an important decade in the 20th century from an energy perspective. Fueled by regional wars leading to a decline in oil production and the increase in global oil prices, the oil crises of this decade prompted changes in energy policies in the United States including the development of the first building energy code, ASHRAE Standard 90-75, in 1975. In this third decade of the 21st century, fossil-fuel-based energy use is still concerning and the built environments continue to be a major contributor to environmental impacts and the carbon footprint in different countries.
The High-Performance Building Design studio is an undergraduate/graduate Directed Research Studio at Penn State Department of Architecture that explores the environmental sustainability dimensions of architectural design. Emphasis is placed on energy, daylighting, and life cycle environmental aspects of building performance and the students use different design and analytical tools to yield building proposals with superior environmental performance.
Illinois Institute of Technology
University of Texas San Antonio