Another new article is out as of last month from the Journal of Family Psychology. This one is another application of Structural Equation Modeling to longitudinal data about dyads. Here, we’re focused on the influence of discrimination and depression on marital satisfaction in heterosexual Black couples. The article presents some intricate but important findings about discrimination, depression, the centrality of Black identity, and relationships. Interestingly, there are also differences between husbands and wives, especially in terms of their influences on each other.
This article covers a lot of models, many of them fairly complex and somewhat exploratory. But above all other things, it really draws attention to the need for increased study about minority populations in general and especially the intersection of discrimination and gender dynamics. There’s huge complexity in this domain, and a great deal more research (and funding) is needed. Especially if we want to start understanding how these things emerge from day-to-day interactions, we need a real call for new data sets that can help us to understand it.
The paper is Jenkins, A. I. C., Fredman, S. J., Le, Y., Sun, X., Brick, T. R., Skinner, O. D., & McHale, S. M. (2020). Prospective associations between depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction in Black couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(1), 12–23.