For unit 2, I have several ideas that i could use to potentially fufill the requirements for each assingments. The paradigm shift ideas I have are potentially relevant to the topic. I would like to explore race and the way that racial equality as well as views on the rights of minoirities has “shifted” over the years. For instance, 60 years ago, the way black people and other various minoirites were protrayed on TV and in movies is vastly different than the way they are portrayed now. For instance, even 18, 20 years ago it was very uncommon to see minoirites play your basic, everyday families, or relatable person. Today, you have shows like black-ish that portray a black family in a role that sterotypiacl was held by an allwhite family on sitcom TV- a rich family just going about their day to day lives. Even when you remove this sterotype, however, it’s important to analyze the name of a show like thos “black-ish” So when you place black people into the role of a “white person”, does that change their skin color? No. It’s interesting to see the role society has in applying these labels and sterotypes that determine how black.. or white. For the TED talk assignment, I think it would also be interesting to take on some sort of empowerment, not just one that empowers a minoirity, or a specific gender, but one tht just tackle empowerment and optimism. One of the most moving things I ever read was about the power of optimism, and I think doing something like that in TED talk style could be inspiring as well as compelling. I would like to discuss things that commonly bring us, as humans down, and the ways we can turn that attitude around and use it as a rebound effect to be the best person we feel we can be, because at the end of the day that’s what matters. If I did not take that route, I think I could also develp a good TED talk on something about the power of recognizing our gifts. What I mean by this is the fact that every single person has some sort of unique gift that makes them a valuable asset to their relationships, friendships, family, and to the world. It took me a long time to understand this concept, and once I did it gave me so much confidence and self worth and I would wanna share this with many other people.
Racial equality and the rights of minorities is something that has had significant evolvement over the years. This is definitely a topic that is applicable to many areas like television, politics, work place etc. I think this is a great topic to use for this assignment.
This is a very interesting topic. Although, discrimination and racial equality should not be a problem at all, it still is and probably always will be. Shedding light upon this issue would be great!