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Even in 2018, there are many diseases that are still running rampant with little indication that a cure is on the horizon. One of the biggest killers and pain-inducing diseases, cancer, is giving marijuana naysayers nightmares? Why? Because research over and over has proven that marijuana, and by extension, CBD oil provides a great deal of relief to patients whose symptoms otherwise wouldn’t be touched by other medical innovations. Even according to the American Cancer Society, the effects and benefits of marijuana to cancer patients suffering from a variety of cancers is very clear. For instance, research done on certain kinds of cancer cells shows THC causing death or slowing down the multiplication of the cancerous cells.


Cancer is not the only disease being treated with marijuana. Rheumatoid arthritis, a disease that at times causes debilitating joint pain, can create perfect candidates for marijuana. In fact, according to an article on “EverydayHealth,  “One study published in the September-October 2009 issue of the Journal of Opioid Management found that 80 percent of medical marijuana users in a U.S. pain clinic were using cannabis to treat myofascial pain — pain that affects muscle and tissue. Other medical journals support this idea. Additionally, it is so clear that marijuana has benefits, that states like Maine, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Nevada, Vermont, Montana, Michigan, Colorado, California, New Jersey, New Mexico, Washington, Rhode Island have already passed laws allowing medical marijuana to be distributed for pain management.


It is clear that the benefits of marijuana, when used correctly, outweigh any possible risks, and should be viewed by the public as a treatment for pain like any other.


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