Extra credit

At the beginning of the year, I had the great opportunity to slither around the Fair Districts booth and the block party. While there, Jenna and I dressed up as Gerrymanders. It was an enriching experience, as I got to help run some games as well as gain a deeper understanding of the issue of Gerrymandering in PA. I was incredibly encouraged by those heavily involved in Fair Districts. They had a deep understanding of the topic they were passionate about. It also gave me a great opportunity to be politically involved. I have a big heart for politics so this helped me to realize that I was in the right place. I learned a lot over the course of this day. Gerrymadering in Pennsylvania is a huge issue because the lines are drawn in such an obscure way that it ensures an unfair climate in the political system. Essentially, the district lines are drawn to secure victory for candidates but thiis only really benefits the republican party. Fair District PA has a mission to spread awareness about the fact that these districts are unfair, so it was really amazing to be a part of that. It was also fun to be able to meet people from all different walks of life. I talked to a lot of adults and kida alike! It was also one of the first weels of school and I didn’t really know many people. This was a fun expirience because I got to meet new people as well as connect with a faculty memeber outside of class time! The block party was also just a great space for me to get accquainted with the community so it was undoubtedly a great time. Additonally, our booth was set up next to the College Republicans, and even though I disagree with what they stand for it was a unique opportunity for me to listen to their point of views from an outside position. It was a great day and I was glad to be a part of it!

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