Get Out

A few years ago, one of the best movies I’ve ever seen hit the theaters. You may remember the actual movie or the “challenge” #getoutchallenge under the same name. “Get Out” was a suspense-horror film that follows a young black man, Chris Washington. The movie starts out on a fairly creepy note to begin with- an abduction, so when the scene cuts to a cheery clip of Chris, and his girlfriend, who is white, Rose, as an audience we already know that something suspicious is going on. As the movie progresses, and Rose invites Chris to her parents home in upstate New York, my suspicions personally began to grow. Of course, my suspicions were confirmed when Chris notices all of the ‘help” in the house are made up of glassy-eyed, blank-faced and mute African Americans. The movie is full of jump scares and sick scenes, and eventually, Chris realizes the family takes black men and women in to brainwash and hijack the bodies of. Chris escapes, but not with all of his psychological well being intact.

The newest movie of Peele’s is called “Us’. Although I haven’t seen it yet, I really appreciate the fact that Jordan Peele is back with another black-dominated cast. This film is also just very unique because just like “Get Out”, it addresses racism in a weird, sick way, at a very symbolic level. “What makes “Get Out” so powerful is how Peele marshals a classic tale of unwilling bodily possession into a resonant, unsettling metaphor for the sweep of black and white relations in the United States — the U.S., or us.” (The New York Times). The plot of “Us” follows a family who are being terrorized by a family of terrifying, demonic beings. I can not wait to see and support this movie, it looks exceptional!
Jordan Peele

Jordan Peele is the reason both of these movies hit theaters. If you’re curious about who he is, you probably know him from ‘Key & Peele, a sketch he and his friend, Keegan Key created. Peele was a fan of comedy and horror throughout his life, according to, Gremlins was one of his favorite movies growing up, which helps explain his creepy, yet funny way of writing (Get Out is also very comedic.) Peele didn’t complete his education but did spend several years in college. He was successful enough in his comedy career to drop out. He early on was doing well. He was a regular at Second City, one of the most iconic comedy clubs in Chicago. His first big thing again was Key and Peele, but since then has had so many notable achievements. The biggest? The Oscar for “best original screenplay” at the Oscars. Jordan Peele, the man who brainstormed a funny little sketch in his college dorm, is now an Oscar winner.
I love Jordan Peele and Key and Peele! I haven’t seen either movies, but it sounds like a really important metaphor about the race relations in the United States. Thank you for sharing and I will definitely be on the lookout for these movies.