Abs in Sight?

This week I have been enjoying life as a vegetarian. I have really enjoyed eating eggs again. I feel like eating them gives me a million more options for breakfast because they are so easy and accessible basically everywhere. This week my grandma sent me a care package. She knows that I have been vegetarian for the past two months but still sent me chicken-flavored ramen. Not going to lie, it was pretty tempting. I do miss eating ramen because the only vegetarian kind I have found is some off-brand ramen that is soy-sauce flavored. It isn’t bad but it is definitely not the classic ramen that I love. After receiving the chicken flavored ramen I have been really tempted to becoming semi-vegetarian. I just feel as if there would just be so many options for being healthy because there are so many more meat options than meatless options. I have been going to the gym and trying to eat a little better because I really want to make my dream of getting a six-pack a reality.Image result for abs

Okay, I get it. A six-pack? That seems like a super far stretched goal for someone, especially me. From what I have heard and seen, it is much easier to have a visible six-pack when being vegetarian. I watch a lot of vegan and raw vegan youtubers, all of whom have six-packs. The exercises to have a six-pack aren’t the hardest part, the hardest part is having a lean enough stomach to be able to see it. For vegans and vegetarians that eat a lot of fruits, they have a very high water content. Fruits are normally 90-95 percent water, meaning they are very hydrating. This is key for gaining a six-pack because it prevents overeating. My mom would always tell me when I was hungry to drink water. It fills your stomach and gives the illusion that you are full when really you are just hydrated. Many recommended foods for six packs are vegetables and grains (a key part of a vegetarian’s diet). Quinoa, oatmeal, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and asparagus are just some of the many recommended foods for abs. These foods are a normal part of vegetarian/vegan diets so eating them is not much of a diet change. Adding certain ab workouts that are recommended for attaining a six pack is something that is pretty easy. My goal before going back to eating meat is to have a hint of a six pack. With that, I will be happy and feel as if my goal will be accomplished. That being said, I am going to watch my snacking and stay conscious of my water intake to make sure I’m not only hydrated but also preventing over eating.

Image result for six pack vegetarian

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