Finding Your Starting Point

Getting into a rhythm of running takes time and motivation. For me, I found it hard to start a running routine on my own and I would sometimes tell my parents to force me out of the house in order to get my run in. Other times I would say “I run so I can eat unhealthy”. Statements such as this provide me the motivation as to why I need to run in order to maintain my health.

When I was in high school, I realized that running with others and committing myself to a team forced me to run. As a distance runner, long runs can fly by fast when running with friends and having someone to talk with as you try to catch your breath. 

Creating a playlist of songs that get you wanting to dance or move around is another great way to get into the habit of running. A good running playlist will allow you to lose yourself in the music and run several miles. I would recommend some upbeat songs that allow you to run to the rhythm of the beat as in my experience certain songs motivate me to pick up my pace. 

When you start your run, set a goal for yourself, either a time or mileage goal. When I felt myself getting tired, I kept looking at my watch to see how close I was to my goal and it helped to push me to reach and sometimes exceed my goal. When you complete your goal, you can even reward yourself, such as a sweet treat. Finding anyway that provides you motivation to run is key to forming a routine.

Overall, starting a running habit, especially as a beginner can be difficult, especially for me after I take some time off. It is important to find ways to motivate yourself to take that first step as once you establish a routine it will be much easier to keep it going. 

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline

Thesis: The poem “The New Colossus” written by 1883 that is embedded on the Statue of Liberty conveys the meaning of the statue through its ability to frame the United States as a place of opportunity and prosperity. 



Topic Sentence 1: The poem represents the commonplace of freedom and opportunity that the United States has to offer through inviting all types of people to the country.


    • Poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus
    • “Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
    • It is calling for all people to come and the statue is basically welcoming them with open arms.
    • The statue is a compassionate figure to those who might be lost and unable to find themselves in the world.


Topic sentence 2: The poem emphasizes the meaning behind the Statue of Liberty monument as a symbol of American values. 


    • The Statue of Liberty represents a symbol of freedom, equality, and peace within the United States. It invites in new immigrants and displays the United States as a land of opportunities. 
    • The torch of the statue serves as a symbol of Enlightenment and showing the way to liberty for all.


Topic Sentence 3 :The historical context behind the monument promotes peace and equality, which aligns with the poem’s significance. 







Introduction Post


     Running is an activity that requires mental and physical ability. Though it may be tough to get into a rhythm of doing running workouts, there have been proven benefits to adding it into your life. 

     Before speaking on the benefits, I thought it would be good to hear my personal experience with it. I have been running since I was a young child and I have continued to keep up with it throughout the years of my life, of course with some small hiatuses within the years. I ran competitively for six years through middle and high school as a distance runner.

     After I started college, I still continue to run as I feel it positively impacts my mental and physical health. Running provided me an escape from the stress of reality such as school and college work. After doing some research on the benefits behind running, I have found that it is a productive and great cardio activity. 

     Running is found to greatly benefit your health, both mentally and physically. Maintaining a consistent workout schedule enhances your physical health. It has been found to strengthen your immunity and is linked to decreasing the chances of certain cardiovascular diseases. From a mental standpoint, it can be a great way to maintain stress and has been found to help the brain’s concentration. 

     Throughout this blog, I will dive into the different aspects that make up running, including my own experiences with the ups and downs, along with other technologies, training, and the community that running embodies. 

     So as this is an introduction for what is to come through this blog, I hope you feel more compelled to go for an easy jog whenever you have the time. Although it can be challenging to find the motive to start, which I can personally relate to, once you finish you will feel the rewards it entails. 

Speech Reflection


I thought I did a decent job overall, however I did notice some points where I could have improved. I thought my introduction and main points were decent, however I could have included some key words in order to differentiate between the different main points. I also thought my conclusion was not as concise or strong as I would have liked it to be. I thought the overall presentation of the speech was good as I maintained good eye contact, though there were times that I glanced at the board, even though it did not relate to what I was saying during that time. I did not realize how long the small the pauses I took as I could not figure out the right wording of what  wanted to say. This led to a slight repetition of what I was saying. I think for the future I need to practice a little more. I thought I was solid for the most part, but I felt a slight off towards the end, which practicing can help fix.

Speech Outline


  1. Opening
  • Covid-19, the pandemic, social isolation, and finally masks. A small piece of fabric held by two strings that is supposed to cover our mouth and nose while around others. Masks became popular and essential parts of our daily lives over the past couple of years. Between the government mandates and our own awareness for the health of all of us, masks became the popular item seen throughout the pandemic, and still occasionally in the present day. A mask frames the civic by displaying the concept of community by the involvement of all of society that chooses to abide by what it stands for in relation to others. 


  1. Body


  1. Wearing a mask represents a person’s care for others and the overall benefit of society.


  • Wearing a mask will barely protect you from catching an illness if you are around someone who is maskless and sick. Wearing a mask is not one-sided, rather it takes all of us wearing one in order to not become sick. 
  • The obligations it conveys is that we are all a part of a community and the decisions we make can affect others when it comes to airborne illnesses spreading. Therefore by wearing a mask, it represents our belonging to a community as we care and respect others’ healths. 
  • Wearing a mask shows our support for healthcare professionals who constantly put others over their own lives. We continue to remember the important people who helped move us out of the pandemic as it took society as a whole. 


  1. The decision to wear a mask reflects on the political ideologies within society. 


  • When masks started to become a mandatory obligation when going out in public, there was a vocal group of people who were against wearing one. Most of the people fall under the conservatism ideology, while the democratic ideology was seen to be more supportive of the masks. Though there was a small percentage of those who identify as Democrats who did not feel the need to wear one.
  • Some people believe that wearing a mask infringes on their right to personal freedom. The aligning of masks versus no masks with different political ideologies, further divides the nation as a whole during a time when we needed to work together in order to push the pandemic behind us. 


  1. The impact that masks have left in a non-crucial time following the pandemic on society has brought upon an alternative way of keeping others safe.


  • In the present day, masks are still around, just not widely used. Masks are no longer mandatory in many public places, even some medical spaces. Society is evolving and becoming better, however masks now represent a way to avoid getting others sick while still trying to continue daily life for the common sicknesses. 


III. Conclusion


  1. Overall, masks have been a daily part of our lives for the past couple of years and by wearing one during the global health crisis, it symbolizes our responsibility as a member of society. It allows us to protect others, while protecting ourselves, all while giving recognition to the notable people who continued to work carelessly to improve the state of being during a time of uncertainty. 


  1. Masks will continue to stay around us, even if it is not physically with us, but as a symbol of the memorable pandemic we had to endure.

Hidden Meanings Behind Masks

  Masks mandates have major impact, study finds | MIT News | Massachusetts  Institute of Technology

(stock photo)

     A mask represents our care to others in a community by taking the extra step to protect any illness that we might have or carry from spreading to others. This displays our want to protect others from getting sick, especially those who are high-risk for certain viruses. 

     Although in the past couple years with the rise of Covid-19 and masks being mandatory in main public facilities, it is now optional. There are several people who choose to wear one when they are sick, or just as a precaution to others if they are carrying an illness. 

     Wearing a mask is not one-sided, rather it takes all of us wearing one in order to not become sick. By participating and wearing a mask, we can all attempt to protect others from getting sick and causing the virus to pass. The obligations it conveys is that we are all a part of a community and the decisions we make can affect others when it comes to airborne illnesses spreading. Therefore by wearing a mask, it represents our belonging to a community as we care and respect others’ healths. 

     The artifact works to motivate change within society as a whole in order to stop the spread of an illness from affecting others.Without using a mask and going out into public to continue your daily life, you put others at risk if you are sick. 

     With Covid-19 in the past, people were the most contagious when they were not displaying symptoms. Covid has shown to be a deadly virus that has taken the life of many who have underlying illnesses, or in some cases were people who were healthy. 

     This artifact can be used by anyone in public or in private areas as well. Location is crucial in relation to masks as a contagious illness can easily spread to many people in a short period of time if a sick person were to go into a public place without a facial covering. 

     The mask is a normality within society in the past couple of years, but it is still used around in the present day occasionally. General population people who are sick, or others in general may use a mask to stop a sickness from spreading. This benefits the entirety of society as it better protects others from getting sick. Masks were and still are essential when dealing with a sickness, especially with the severity of COVID-19, as there were a significant number of cases of severe hospitalizations or even death.

     Masks are still around, however they are not as widely used. As the number of COVID cases went down, the masks disappeared as well. There are still a fraction of people who still use masks, whether it is to shield an illness they are facing, or those who feel the need to wear one for their own reasons. 

     Therefore, a mask as an artifact symbolizes the respect and concern that a person has for the betterment of society as by wearing one, they show responsibility and awareness to others if they are sick.