RCL Commonplace Advertisement

For this blog post, I chose to address the topic of climate change. There are many ads out there, and many of them emphasize how precious time is to our climate. The advertisement (linked below) references the sounds of nature in the Amazon, and how they are disappearing due to deforestation and the extinction of animals due to pollution and climate change. This ad uses the commonplace “time waits for no one” as it emphasizes that if you do not act soon, the devastation to the Amazon will be irreversible, whether we want it to be or not. This is persuasive to the audience as it highlights how dire the situation is, and how the problem will not fix itself. If the audience just sits back and waits for change, nothing will get better. The ad is urging them to take action and do something about the worsening condition of the Amazon rainforest with only five words. Though the audience may have to research a bit to learn more about what is happening, the tone of the advertisement is ominous enough to get the general message across without being too specific. This level of simplicity allows the message to be conveyed clearly and not be misconstrued. This is also helpful as the ad is on a roadway sign, meaning that the audience will only see it for a short period of time. The ad gets the meaning across through commonplaces as the general public understands them quicker than reading lots of information on a sign. While the ad is not suggesting one specific action or solution to the problem, it conveys the urgency of the issue which may lead to the audience researching more later. This ad will hopefully lead the audience to learn more about climate health and urge them to take action against the worsening climate.

Climate Change Advertisement