Monthly Archives: April 2012

Reflection 04/23/12-04/27/12


  • Spring ’12 courses running
    • IST 220
      • help from John B with peer evals being submitted
      • will be much easier to correct these issues when peer evals are in google docs
    • IST 230
      • I added ppts for Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
    • IST 302
      • John B fixed a mix up with Peer Evals – there should only have been 1 set and instead there were 2
  • Spring ’12 revisions
    • IST 210 (Heberling)
      • Gary emailed to share the latest schedule and to set up a meeting for 4/24 on google hangout. Here are the items that I completed after the meeting:
        • Added a point value to the course schedule and filled in the Assessment Type column
        • Added table with the categories listed in the syllabus under the grading section of the syllabus
        • Check and updated the course schedule for labs
        • Contacted Fred A about the Flix2U latest version with you cced
        • The plan is that Gary will have all materials to me by Friday 4/27. It seems that Gary needs some files to accompany the labs. We should have everything in the course spaces by May 7.
      • I received labs Getting Started through 4 and sent a reply to Gary for necessary corrections
    • IST 220 (Bertin)
      • Need to try the labs myself
      • Talked to John F about the Getting Started Lab
      • Returned the lab to the form that Brenda sent me
      • Also worked out things with John and Amy together
    • IST 240 (Smith)
      • Received Lessons 16, 17, and 1 on 4/23
      • Placed 16 and 17 with follow-up emails on 4/23
      • Placed 1 in on 4/24
      • Also received info that Lesson 7 was no longer needed with Lesson 6 getting an addition
      • Had to rework much of the navigation and set up in ANGEL based upon an update
      • Spent most of 4/24 updating and taking a closer look at the course in the development space
      • Good communication back & forth on items with Hal
      • Hal sent updates to Lesson 3, 5, and 6 which I updated in the course.
    • IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed
    • IST 402 (Saab)
      • Meeting planned for April 30
    • IST 421 (Hill)
      • Met with John H on 4/23
      • Need to add rubrics and some documents that he sent on 4/23
        • Here are the items that I worked on 4/25
          • Rubrics – this was more laborious that I first anticipated since formatting from Word was problematic. I had to copy from Word to a text editor to remove formatting then copy into ANGEL to make this work
          • Project Description – placed in the template from 210 and converted to pdf to add to the course
          • Project Plan Template
          • Final Deliverables Checklist – placed in the template from 210 and converted to pdf to add to the course
      • Gave some advice and will help John work through adding some accessible videos to the course – he’s still working on these may use elive instead
  • Madison proposal
    • Received confirmation that I have been selected to present for the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI in the lightning session format. The session title is “An overview to providing accessible videos using free tools.”
    • Tentatively completed the summary on 4/18
    • Deadlines
      • May 4 – Upload required paper for Conference Proceedings and Resources publication Done 4/20
      • June 4 – Register for the conference (instructions will be sent)
      • July 4 – Upload session handout(s)
    • Worked on my sections for April 18 meeting
      • April 27 meeting we made the final updates to the paper to be submitted
  • Here is a reflection on a study that Melissa sent out this week:
  • Summer ’12 Course Prep
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 002
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • Rob asked for a course schedule which I forgot to place in his section
        • Added it on 4/25
      • Sec 003
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 204 Pearson Pilot
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 111S Followed up about which section to import/export from
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • Plan to remove course schedule from the syllabus since she already places the course schedule under the Lessons tab in ANGEL
    • IST 210
      • Need lab info from Gary
      • Set up of gradebook
      • Then copy from Master Course to complete
    • IST 220
      • Updated the peer evals to reflect different sections of the course
      • Put the Getting Started lab in the form that Brenda sent after discussion with John F and Amy G
      • Also sent out a note to Lisa and Abbi about two ways to get into vhol
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 002
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 003
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 & 002
        • Need:
          • Assignment 4 specifics
          • Assignment 5 specifics
          • Ungraded exams
            • UML (after Lesson 8)
            • Java (after Lesson 13)
            • XML (after Lesson 16)
          • Final exam
          • Gradebook plan
        • I need to create a 12-week and 15-week course schedule
    • IST 295B
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 301
      • Rosalie set up HBR articles and provided me a link
      • She’s also going to populate her spaces
      • Found them merged on 4/24
      • Need to:
        • update the syllabus
        • add peere evals where appropriate
        • check gradebook
    • IST 495
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening

Ongoing Projects:

  • Updating google spreadsheet for Summer ’12 &  Fall ’12
  • Working on Summer 2012 courses: 110, 111S, 210, 220, 230, 240, 295B, 301, 302, 420 EA (Melissa), 421, 495
  • IST 260W content added in drupal
    • I need to check it with the WC offering
      • Began the process but looks like there is a reference to an old textbook in the content

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

  • None

Back Burner:

  • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

Something New I worked on this Week

  • B/c of 421 needing to be merged I learned how to merge
  • I’ve been playing around more with Google
    • Google +: love how this integrates all of the Google suite
    • Google drive just came out

Days off / Conferences:

  • April 10 – 4 hours vacation
  • April 13 – 8 hours vacation
  • April 16 – 8 hours vacation
  • June 11 & 12 Web 2012 Conference
  • June 22, 25-29 vacation days
  • July 10 AM Sick time for Dental Appt
  • August 8-10 Madison Conference

Reflection on Incorporating 4MAT Model in Distance Instructional Material – An Innovative Design

Melissa sent out the following, and it sparked my interest, so here are a few quotes from the study and reflections.

“In the present study, Bernice McCarthy’s 4MATModel, which is among the various theories that define individual’s learning styles, was selected… based on specific reasons. This theory constitutes not only a creative combination of various previous theories of learning styles, but also this creative combination is further expanded (Nikolaou, 2010)…. combines the fundamental principles of several long-standing theories of personal development such as those of Kolb, Lotas, Jung, Piaget, Fisher, Grecorc etc. with current research on human brain function and learning (”

Reflection: I have never looked at this theory before, but I’m intrigued.

“4MAT is an eight-step cycle of instruction that capitalizes on individual learning styles and brain dominance processing preferences. 4MAT Model has been developed in basis of two major premises: 1. people have major learning styles and hemispheric processing preferences and 2. designing and using multiple instructional strategies in a systematic framework to teach these preferences can improve teaching and learning”

Reflection: There was a discussion recently about those who “slavishly” follow the ADDIE model. I found myself going back and forth on the argument. I think that models are important because they make us think and remind us of important elements of what we do. On the other hand, they should necessarily treated like the ONLY way to do things.

There are several images and tables that are in the article to explain the 4MAT theory. Based upon the theory, there are eight steps that should be done to ensure that all learners are addressed:

  1. Connect
  2. Attend
  3. Image
  4. Inform
  5. Practice
  6. Extend
  7. Refine
  8. Perform

Reflection: I like the thought of making sure that different approaches are used instead of going with only one approach. Learning takes time, developing several approaches will help students take the necessary time to grasp concepts.

Three items in preparation to beginning instructional design:

  1. Define the learners outcomes in terms of both content and skills
    The designer should be sure about what the learners will learn and what they will be able to do after the training. The designer should be able to answer to the following questions:
    • What will the learners know and be able to do better?
    • How will the learners connect these ideas to their studies and, in some cases, to their personal lives?
    • What new skills will the learners have and what will these skills give them access to?
    • How will the learners demonstrate what they learn?
  2. Mind map the content, looking for how the content is connected
    Once the designer has defined what the learners should be able to do at the end of the learning experience, the designer is ready to find types of content that might be included in the instructional material. The designer must begin by mind mapping the essence of the content, the details that support the main ideas and the relationships among them. This part of the designing procedure describes step 4 (Inform) of the 4 MAT learning cycle. Important questions for the designer are the following:
    • How will the designer deliver the information to the learners?
    • Will there be interaction? Will the distance learning instructional material interact with the learners and ask them to react to what they are learning?
  3. Define the concept
    The designer is searching for the common ground that connects all the learners to the instructional material. Concept holds together the content of the training design. The decision regarding which concept to use, depends on the context, which is defined by the learners, their backgrounds and the present situation. The designer begins by reviewing the content and looking for a big idea that encompasses all of the content. Effective concepts:
    • are core, essence ideas
    • form bridges that link the learners’ experiences to the content
    • have immediate relevance for the learners
    • establish relationships between topics”

Reflection: I can’t say that I have a specific process when I go into the design of a course. In fact, I also try to get a feel from the instructor first. It would be nice to have some models to place before instructors so that I could get to the heart of what is really important to include in a course.

Overarching Reflection: From my experience and training as a teacher, it makes sense to me to think about using different strategies and approaches to teach a concept. I like the way this is laid out and hope to have a model that will assist me in the future to help in the construction of a course.

Reflection 04/16/12-04/20/12


  • Spring ’12 courses running
    • IST 110
      • Met with Jan, Ankit, and Alyson about 110 Peer Evals
      • Had a good grasp on how to grab the data and manipulate
      • They are going to filter by team and export to excel
      • Received note from Jan about making adjustments to the form that I mentioned that she can make
      • Received a note from Jan about helping LA to get screenr to work, I pointed the LA to screenr technical support
      • Asked another question from Jan about srte’s that I replied that I don’t have access to these.
    • IST 230
      • Added a ppt for the problem of the week for Lesson 6
  • Spring ’12 revisions
    • IST 210 (Heberling)
      • Gary will be adjusting Labs and Team Project
        • Asked for the template to be able to add to the dev space
        • Gary will be going through the assessment questions to see what should be removed from the banks
    • IST 220 (Bertin)
      • Need to try the labs myself
      • Found out today that the version of the Getting Started with Virtual Hands-On Labs that I received was an earlier version
      • Updated the document to reflect what should be done
    • IST 240 (Smith)
      • Plans to send me materials by Friday the 20th
      • Didn’t receive materials
    • IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed
    • IST 402 (Saab)
      • Meeting planned for April 30
    • IST 421 (Hill)
      • Meeting planned for Fri April 20 for final run through
  • Madison proposal
    • Received confirmation that I have been selected to present for the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI in the lightning session format. The session title is “An overview to providing accessible videos using free tools.”
    • Tentatively completed the summary on 4/18
    • Deadlines
      • May 4 – Upload required paper for Conference Proceedings and Resources publication
      • June 4 – Register for the conference (instructions will be sent)
      • July 4 – Upload session handout(s)
    • Worked on my sections for April 18 meeting
      • Made all of the necessary adjustments and added references sections
      • We rearranged the content of the session to make it a bit more intuitive
      • Next meeting planned for Friday April 27
  • Here are a few reflections on the blog from Clark that I did this week:
  • Here are a few reflections about a Gaming Brownbag that I attended on 4/19
  • Summer ’12 Course Prep
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 002
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 003
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 204 Pearson Pilot
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 111S Followed up about which section to import/export from
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • Plan to remove course schedule from the syllabus since she already places the course schedule under the Lessons tab in ANGEL
    • IST 210
      • Met via Google+
      • Discussed the sequence of the course
      • Determined that we’ll use Vision instead of providing the option of gliffy
      • Discussed how to break out grades
        • Assessments (20%)
        • Labs (50%)
        • Team (30%)
      • Discussed teaming and the possible use of Yammer to improve teamwork
    • IST 220
      • Met with Amy S, Lisa B, and Abbi D to talk about the course
        • Emailed John F to add Abbi to the lab environment
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 002
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • Sec 003
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 & 002
        • Held section huddle but only Hal attended
    • IST 295B
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
    • IST 301
      • Rosalie set up HBR articles and provided me a link
      • She’s also going to populate her spaces
    • IST 495
      • Sec 001
        • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening

Ongoing Projects:

  • Updating google spreadsheet for Summer ’12 &  Fall ’12
  • Working on Summer 2012 courses: 110, 111S, 210, 220, 230, 240, 295B, 301, 302, 420 EA (Melissa), 421, 495
  • IST 260W content added in drupal
    • I need to check it with the WC offering
      • Began the process but looks like there is a reference to an old textbook in the content

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

  • None

Back Burner:

  • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

New Decisions/Directions

  • A few years ago, I decided to switch from IE to firefox. This week I finally decided to switch to Chrome since used Google+ for some work on the Madison paper. It has been working well including the formatting of the wiziwig editor. For some reason in firefox, the editor didn’t work as well. I often found myself moving the code into dreamweaver to make basic adjustments

Days off / Conferences:

  • April 10 – 4 hours vacation
  • April 13 – 8 hours vacation
  • April 16 – 8 hours vacation
  • June 11 & 12 Web 2012 Conference
  • June 22, 25-29 vacation days
  • July 10 AM Sick time for Dental Appt
  • August 8-10 Madison Conference

Reflection on Blog about Jesus

I can tell that we are nearing the end of the semester and that things are starting to ramp up for summer courses. It has been a few days since I reflected on the blogs from Clark. The next blog in the sequence was about Jesus: Here is my latest reflection:

“…there is no sense of exclusion as he encourages shunned lepers, hated tax inspectors, prostitutes, criminals and especially the poor, to receive his message.”

Reflection: As compared to Plato and Aristotle, Jesus was about teaching the masses and accepting the masses. For this reason, an argument can be made that his methods are more appropriate for education today. The audience is a mixed one.

Parables are image rich and allow the listener or reader to picture the scene and recall from episodic memory.”

Reflection: Definitely a reminder of how important creating a picture is to teaching and learning. Stories create context necessary for the learner to attach and understand how a principle applies to them.

Jesus…used sermons…to tell his story and the sermon was to become the priest and preachers pedagogic weapon for centuries to come.”

Reflection: It seems to me that learners have a hard time tolerating being talked to in modern times. Maybe it is because we spend more time on academic pursuits or maybe it is because we have more to think about and say today than in the past. More important to listening, it is essential to reflect on what is taken in. Whether it is something that is being read, heard, or watched.

Given the hold religion had on educational institutions until relatively recently, especially Universities, it is hardly surprising that the sermon transmogrified into the ‘lecture’, which to this day, remains the main pedagogic technique in Higher education.”

Reflection: It seems to me that people from times of old enjoyed listening to stories in the form of sermons and lectures because they spoke to the masses. The audience was considered, so it was appropriate for those who heard. The problem with alot of lectures now is that lectures are mostly riveting to the lecturer, not the audience. If a worthy lecture is created, the learners will enjoy and learn from the lecture. 

“…attitudinal change can come if we show exemplary behaviour in a way that is memorable, through story-telling.”

Reflection: My guess is that Jesus and effective lecturers have many non-verbal cues that accompany and make the message more dynamic.

“…it is through action that we learn to change ourselves. The point is not just to look and listen but to act.”

Reflection: We all decide how we will move forward. As educators, it is important to remember that students make their own strides. We are only facilitators who are here to help others reach their potential. To me, Jesus was the master of reading and reaching his audience using the appropriate tools.

Reflection 04/09/12-04/13/12


  • Spring ’12 courses running
    • IST 110
      • I started to work on the google peer evaluation ideas for working with Jan and company next week
    • IST 230
      • Added three more ppts to the course as solutions for problems of the week
      • I’m thinking that it might make sense to convert these to captivate to see if Larry might like them to be added to the course, but if the problems change this would need to be redone.
    • Spring ’12 revisions
      • IST 210 (Heberling)
        • Gary will be adjusting Labs and Team Project
        • Gary will be going through the assessment questions to see what should be removed from the banks
      • IST 220 (Bertin)
        • Need to try the labs myself
      • IST 240 (Smith)
        • Received lessons 13, 14, and 15 and placed in the course
        • When I emailed Hal, I mentioned using vlabs
          • He was fine with this and mentioned that he would be getting me more info about assignments in Lesson 5 and 13 shortly.
          • I reminded him about the need to revise Lesson 1 as well
      • IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed
      • IST 402 (Saab)
        • Meeting planned for April 30
      • IST 421 (Hill)
        • John made more adjustments to the course including assessment materials
        • I added these to the course and also these:
          • adjusting course schedule for summer
          • creating the gradebook
        • I would also like to make adjustments to the course schedule so that we have the Spring ’13 schedule ready
    • Madison proposal
      • Received confirmation that I have been selected to present for the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI in the lightning session format. The session title is “An overview to providing accessible videos using free tools.”
      • Deadlines
        • May 4 – Upload required paper for Conference Proceedings and Resources publication
        • June 4 – Register for the conference (instructions will be sent)
        • July 4 – Upload session handout(s)
      • Worked on my sections for April 12 meeting
        • Amy and Gary did as well and we are having a follow up meeting next Wed 4/18
        • I need to check out the reference example before then and check Amy and Gary sections
    • Summer ’12 Course Prep
      • Emailed IST undergrad faculty about ANGEL upgrade on May 5:
      • IST 110
        • Sec 001 Followed up to find out which section to export/import from
          • Larry notified about course being prepped and consulted about whether it was okay to use the dev space materials or Fall ’11
          • Sent a reply that he would check & then I can move from there
        • Sec 002
          • Completed the update of Rob’s section and awaiting feedback from Larry about the course schedule
        • Sec 003
          • Awaiting Larry’s reply before populating the space
          • Amy G will be teaching this section as a Pearson pilot
        • Sec 004
          • Awaiting Larry’s reply before populating the space
          • Deirdre will be teaching this section
      • IST 111S Followed up about which section to import/export from
        • Sec 001
          • Deirdre notified about course being prepped and consulted about whether it is okay to use Spring ’12 as the section to copy
          • Plan to remove course schedule from the syllabus since she already places the course schedule under the Lessons tab in ANGEL
      • IST 220
        • Sec 001
          • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • Sec 002
          • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • Sec 003
          • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • IST 230
        • Sec 001
          • Emailed Larry to confirm that it is okay to export Spring ’12 materials to import into the Summer ’12 space
          • Received confirmation to set up space
          • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • IST 295B
        • Sec 001
          • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
      • IST 301
        • Rosalie set up HBR articles and provided me a link
        • She’s also going to populate her spaces
      • IST 495
        • Sec 001
          • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening

    Ongoing Projects:

    • Updating google spreadsheet for Summer ’12 &  Fall ’12
    • Working on Summer 2012 courses: 110, 111S, 210, 220, 230, 240, 295B, 301, 302, 420 EA (Melissa), 421, 495
    • IST 260W content added in drupal
      • I need to check it with the WC offering
        • Began the process but looks like there is a reference to an old textbook in the content

    Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • None

    Back Burner:

    • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

    Days off / Conferences:

    • April 10 – 4 hours vacation
    • April 13 – 8 hours vacation
    • April 16 – 8 hours vacation
    • June 11 & 12 Web 2012 Conference
    • June 22, 25-29 vacation days
    • July 10 AM Sick time for Dental Appt
    • August 8-10 Madison Conference

    Reflection 04/02/12-04/06/12


    • Spring ’12 courses running
      • IST 110
        • Got a note from an instructor about screenr not working which I had also experienced earlier in the week
        • Sent a request to IT but it turned out to be the screenr site itself, now working 🙂
      • IST 230
        • Received a call from Larry about the file size for the voice-over ppt for solutions to problems of the week impacting ANGEL.
        • Added the ppts to drupal in lieu of the older recorded sessions from elive
        • Larry communicated that there are two benefits that students have shared with him about this approach
          • Instead of having to fast forward through the recorded session, students can easily maneuver and locate the problems that they need assistance
          • Many students are placing these on flash drives and making them mobile
          • This second comment made me think of making these ppts into podcasts that could be shared on mobile devices
      • IST 301
        • Got an im that peer evals may have been lost due to a server going down
          • Plan to contact instructor to send out a note to resubmit
      • Spring ’12 revisions
        • IST 210 (Heberling)
          • Gary will be adjusting Labs and Team Project
          • Gary will be going through the assessment questions to see what should be removed from the banks
        • IST 220 (Bertin)
          • I completed my adjustments to the space and added Lisa B and Abbi D to the space for their input
          • I also emailed Lisa to set up a time to review the dev section before copying materials into the summer ’12 spaces
          • Met with Lisa and she was open to my ideas
          • Cleaned things up a bit and ran things by John Fulmer to see if he saw anything that I missed
          • Populated all 3 summer sections
        • IST 240 (Smith)
          • Waiting for rest of content before making whole section adjustments
          • Sent a note to IST Helpdesk about items that should be included on vlabs
        • IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed
        • IST 402 (Saab)
          • Met with David on April 2
            • He is still working on the course
            • Planned another meeting on April 30
        • IST 421 (Hill)
          • I have been making adjustments to the dev space
          • John has been making more adjustments to the course
          • I fixed the course up to the point where I need info from John to continue forward
          • We decided that we’ll change up the types of individual assignments to include
            • Multiple choice assessments on readings
            • Discussion forums
            • 1 page papers in reply to a prompt or question
      • Madison proposal
        • Received confirmation that I have been selected to present for the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI in the lightning session format. The session title is “An overview to providing accessible videos using free tools.”
        • Deadlines
          • May 4 – Upload required paper for Conference Proceedings and Resources publication
          • June 4 – Register for the conference (instructions will be sent)
          • July 4 – Upload session handout(s)
        • Worked on my sections for April 12 meeting
          • I also need to run our ideas by the OIDI group to get feedback
      • Started reading a blog about learning design theories. Here are a few reflections:
      • Revamped how I’m staying connected. Here is my latest plan:
      • Summer ’12 Course Prep
        • IST 110
          • Sec 001 Followed up to find out which section to export/import from
            • Larry notified about course being prepped and consulted about whether it was okay to use the dev space materials or Fall ’11
            • Sent a reply that he would check & then I can move from there
          • Sec 002
            • Completed the update of Rob’s section and awaiting feedback from Larry about the course schedule
          • Sec 003
            • Awaiting Larry’s reply before populating the space
            • Amy G will be teaching this section as a Pearson pilot
          • Sec 004
            • Awaiting Larry’s reply before populating the space
            • Deirdre will be teaching this section
        • IST 111S Followed up about which section to import/export from
          • Sec 001
            • Deirdre notified about course being prepped and consulted about whether it is okay to use Spring ’12 as the section to copy
            • Plan to remove course schedule from the syllabus since she already places the course schedule under the Lessons tab in ANGEL
        • IST 220
          • Sec 001
            • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
          • Sec 002
            • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
          • Sec 003
            • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • IST 230
          • Sec 001
            • Emailed Larry to confirm that it is okay to export Spring ’12 materials to import into the Summer ’12 space
            • Received confirmation to set up space
            • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • IST 295B
          • Sec 001
            • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening
        • IST 301
          • Rosalie set up HBR articles and provided me a link
          • She’s also going to populate her spaces
        • IST 495
          • Sec 001
            • Completed all items for Summer ’12 opening

      Ongoing Projects:

      • Updating google spreadsheet for Summer ’12 &  Fall ’12
      • Working on Summer 2012 courses: 110, 111S, 210, 220, 230, 240, 295B, 301, 302, 420 EA (Melissa), 421, 495
      • IST 260W content added in drupal
        • I need to check it with the WC offering
          • Began the process but looks like there is a reference to an old textbook in the content

      Immediate Decisions / Issues:

      • None

      Some things that I learned this week:

      • I tried to make an edit to an image with Photoshop using a vector image, it didn’t save the file. I need some training with Photoshop to become more effective and efficient. What I ended up doing was using Jing to capture an image and then place a box around the part of the image that I was trying to highlight.

      Back Burner:

      • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

      Days off / Conferences:

      • April 10 – 4 hours vacation
      • April 13 – 8 hours vacation
      • April 16 – 8 hours vacation
      • June 11 & 12 Web 2012 Conference
      • June 22, 25-29 vacation days
      • July 10 AM Sick time for Dental Appt
      • August 8-10 Madison Conference

      Reflection on Blog about Aristotle

      Before I begin on my thoughts and reflections on the next entry. I need to comment on something that I heard yesterday. In the process of working on courses, we as instructional designers often get so involved that we lose sight of direction. The comment made was something about being so busy that there was no time to have “fun” and look at all of these fun links and websites. I was taken aback by the comments. I think that it’s not only important but mandatory that any instructional designer keeps a look out for what is happening around the landscape of their profession. I also think that it’s important to know and continue to reflect on learning design theory. Without instructional design theory at the core of our work, we are little more than people who have opinions about what works in teaching and learning. Sorry to jump on the soapbox, but I’m glad to have the chance to reflect back and know that this reflection will help me know in my work and in the future as I consider elements to add to courses.

      Here is the link to Donald Clark’s blog entry on Aristotle:

      “…he (Aristotle) set us on a path towards investigation, observation and knowledge, based on experience…”

      Reflection: It’s interesting that Aristotle was a student of Plato. I think that often we choose a different path than a successor because we see holes in the path that you experienced. I think that it’s important to have a strong foundation, but I agree with Aristotle that we need to experience and reflect on what we’ve experienced to develop knowledge.

      “…he (Aristotle) recommended a balance of activities that train both mind and body, including debate, music, science and philosophy, combined with physical development and training.”

      Reflection: Balance is always key. I find that most problems for me stem from neglecting an important part of what makes me me. This has to be true about learning.

      Learning by doing was a fundamental issue in his theory of learning. ‘Anything we have to learn to do we learn by the actual doing of it…‘”

      Reflection: Later in the paragraph Clark goes on to say that Aristotle took the view, like Plato, that education should be left for the elite. It’s interesting that he still thought that even the best learners needed to mix practice with theory. To me, theory is only the starting place and that practice should expand on the theory since it brings even more clarity and context.

      He (Aristotle) saw it (music) as an important educational technique, a builder of character and good for the soul, as well as a useful pastime.”

      Reflection: I’m not sure why more in secondary and higher ed don’t incorporate music into their teaching. I’m sure that it has something to do with what others may say that it is too juvenile. But I completely agree with the notion that music plays an important part in teaching and learning. Almost everyday, my kindergarten son comes home with songs about things that he is learning. I find him singing these tunes to himself. I’m sure these songs will assist him the future when he needs to remember a necessary concept.

      Education is not the mere transmission of knowledge, it is a preparation for participation in a fulfilled life that reflects and acts on ethical and political grounds.”

      Reflection: This circles back to the point that I made before starting my reflection. Learning is something that needs to stay with us forever. There are far too many who even work in education who don’t spend their time growing and learning. Education fulfills a fundamental part of us that when untapped only leads to stagnation and a lack of depth and creativity.

      Spring Cleaning on Staying Connected

      Last week, I was doing some thinking (I know that can be dangerous so stand back).

      I’m really, really tiring of facebook. It is cumbersome and often I get nothing edifying from it. It was nice to reconnect with people to know how they are doing, but I’m not really interested in the minute details of life. Okay, I said it! If that makes me a bad person, then I’m guilty as charged.

      However, I’m not prepared to completely leave facebook since I like to check in daily to make sure that I know of anything huge that may have happened (marriages, births, graduations, accidents or deaths).

      Last week I experimented with a new format. I decided that I’d check in on fb in the morning, that’s it. I would set up notifications to see the big stuff. No more trying to sift through the 95% drivel. Then, I would have my twitter stream up and running all day. Last week was awesome! There were several reasons for this. I didn’t have to pour through the facebook garbage. Most of the people that I follow on twitter have great info which enlightens, inspires, or just plain makes me laugh. I never realized how much of a weight fb was, but I feel lighter without it hanging on me.

      I also began thinking about my RSS feeds. I’m often feeling so overwhelmed by the 1000+ feeds that I haven’t read, so I deleted all but 2 feeds since I won’t fall behind on those. Many of those unread feeds are covered by my twitter stream. There is no reason to get redundant information.

      Reflection on Blog about Plato

      I’ve decided to read and comment on each of the entries about the theorists and their theories. Here is the blog about Plato that can be found at this url: Here are the important points that I gathered and my reflections.

      “…most of his (Plato’s) writing is in the form of ‘dialogue’. Indeed, his dialogues do not feature Plato himself. They illustrate by example his view that the learners must learn to think for themselves through dialogue.”

      Reflection: I’ve always that thought that talking to oneself as you are reading or doing any type of learning is important. Coming to points and conclusions before they are written is a sign that you are engaged in the topic and developing your reasoning skills.

      Above its door were the words Do not enter here unless you know geometry, and he did see mathematics as important training for the mind, along with the idea of proof and clear hypotheses.”

      Reflection: As a former math teacher, I think that being able to reason and use logic is so important for any endeavor.

      The educational system should also be designed to determine the abilities of individuals and training provided to apply to the strengths of their abilities. In other words, a severe form of streaming.”

      Reflection: The blog talks about Plato’s ideas that the 3R’s are important, and this quote focuses how students should be organized. As a student who broke into the upper levels in 3rd/4th grade, I could see the benefits for individuals but the detriment for society. I believe in the ability of people to change and improve. Not everyone fits the predetermined norms. To me, it’s important to give learners the benefit of the doubt to grow.

      “…he (Plato) did not recommend that young minds should be introduced the mathematics and abstract reasoning too early. This simply induces rejection and rebelliousness. At this early stage one must develop character.

      Reflection: I agree with this to a point. One of the unfortunate results in the development of specific curriculum in schools is that many talented learners are assessed based on pace of development, rather than their overall abilities. If you cannot develop your ability to reason abstractly by 5th/6th grade, you are considered less of a math student. It makes little sense to doom a student to a lesser math/science education just because they can’t solve an equation.  Along this line of thinking, I was always amazed at the ability of students to grasp concepts at a young age that were highly abstract as long as they didn’t get thrust into the rigor of completing exercises. I always thought it was important to introduce the concepts as early as possible so to allow time for incubation and curiosity to develop a thirst and purpose for learning the rigor.

      Fiction can cloud a child’s mind and reduce their ability to make judgments and deal with the real world.”

      Reflection: I completely disagree with this notion completely. Having a context for learning by telling stories is so important for all ages, especially children. Without imagination, where can be develop our dreams and our enlightened future?

      Music and sports should then be brought into the curriculum…”

      Reflection: This sounds so counter to where education is currently moving. We compartmentalize so much that could be integrated.

      On the other hand, his appreciation that people learn differently over time has been taken up by those who see ‘andragogy’ as a theoretical construct.”

      Reflection: It is interesting that he believed that only a few should be given formal education at a young age, but that he also believed in lifelong learning for all. Personally, I believe in the notion that ideas and concepts need to introduced at a developmentally appropriate time, but we need to include the masses to have an enlightened society.

      Reflection on Blog about Socrates

      Saw the following on my twitter stream and decided to check it out: I am definitely glad I did decide to check this out. Here is the link to Clark’s blog that contains all 50 blogs:

      Here is a TED Talk that the author of the blog, Donald Clark, did:

      Here are my thoughts/reflections on Socrates:

      Most learning professionals will have heard of the ‘Socratic method’ but few will know that he never wrote a single word describing this method, fewer still will know that the method is not what it is commonly represented to be.”

      Reflection: This is a great time to refresh/learn with so many in my organization wanting to see innovation. To me to truly move forward, you have to investigate the past, reinforcing tried and true practices, and correcting misconceptions. To me the Socratic method has always meant leading students to understanding through questioning. As a math instructor, I lived by this principle. I was always wary of giving away too much lest students would miss important concepts integral for success. This was difficult for me, and I’m not sure how successful I was with it.

      “…in terms of learning, ideas are best generated from the learner in terms of understanding and retention. Education is not a cramming in, but a drawing out.”

      Reflection: At the heart of my method was this principle, but how is this accomplished? I completely agree with the last statement. Learning is such a difficult idea to contain within any philosophy. It is as much an art as a science, especially because we are talking about a learner who is hard to generalize.

      What is less well known is the negative side of the Socratic method. He loved to pick intellectual fights and the method was not so much a gentle teasing out of ideas, more the brutal exposure of falsehoods.”

      Reflection: Here is one answer to my question above. I often found myself bringing up controversy in my math class about things like countable and uncountable infinities for instance. Or the fact that .99999…… equals 1. Stirring up this type of “controversy” made many students upset and caused them to try to refute these proven ideas. To me, students who question were more willing to use their own minds to prove or disprove. The action involved in this would help students to become active learners who relied on themselves. My goal was always this notion of independence.

      Beyond the famous Socratic method, he did have a philosophy of education which included several principles:

      1. Knowledge and learning as a worthwhile pursuit
      2. Learning as a social activity pursued through dialogue
      3. Questions lie at the heart of learning to draw out what they already know, rather than imposing pre-determined views
      4. We must realise the extent of our ignorance.
      5. Learning must be pursued with a ruthless intellectual honesty”

      Reflection: I’d like to focus on principle 2. This is such an important part of learning to me and a key principle of the IST philosophy. Collaboration is essential in any pursuit, especially the pursuit of learning and knowledge.

      His lasting influence is the useful idea, that for certain types of learning, questioning and dialogue allows the learner to generate their own ideas and conclusions, rather than be spoon-fed.”

      Reflection: As a student, I felt that most of my teachers worked on the philosophy that students were an open vessel into which to pour knowledge. It was almost like instead of using a spoon a gas pump was used. The more knowledge you could handle, the brighter you were. I can see now that this approach was not to anyone’s benefit. Unfortunately, as an instructor myself, I fell too much into the notion of getting information and knowledge to the learner. My true feeling is that a question that causes students to pursue knowledge is worth much more than a knowledge dump.

      This has transformed itself into the idea of discovery learning, but there have been severe doubts expressed about taking this method too far. We wouldn’t want our children to discover how to cross the road by pushing them out between parked cars!”

      Reflection: I discovered over time that teaching and learning math or science is best done by creating an environment where students are prompted to find the answer to questions on their own. Not all students thrive in this environment, so it’s best to sprinkle this with other methods to reach more learners.

      To ask open questions about facts can be pointless and result in those awful classroom sessions where the teacher asks a question, hands shoot up and a few can answer the question.”

      Reflection: This is an important point, but in subjects like math or science where it is assumed that all is known, using the Socratic method can help open up minds of students who don’t truly understand fundamental concepts to grasp them better.

      In e-learning, Roger Schank has taken the method forward into designs based on questions which access indexed content, especially videos. One could also argue that search based inquiry through Google and other online resources allows the learner to apply this questioning approach to their own learning, Socratic learning without a Socratic teacher. Intelligent tutors and adaptive learning systems, like Cogbooks, truly account for where the learner has come from, where they’re going and what they need to get there. Sophisticated e-learning is allowing us to realise the potential of a scalable Socratic approach without the need for one-to-one teaching.”

      Reflection: Smart tutors are improving all the time, but there is something special about the human connection of an instructor who can elegantly use the Socratic method to facilitate learning.

      “…if we were to behave like Socrates in the modern school, college, university or training room, we’d be in front of several tribunals for bullying, not sticking to the curriculum and failing to prepare students for their exams.

      Reflection: As I was reading this article, I was thinking the same thing. The way that curriculum is written and implemented there is little flexibility to use the Socratic method. Hopefully, we don’t completely push this important pedagogical perspective away.