Monthly Archives: March 2013

Reflection 3/25/13-3/29/13


    • Personal Security MOOC
      • Meeting on 3/20 to discuss with Gary
      • Met with Brett on Monday 3/25 from 10:30-11:30 to discuss badges
      • ID meeting on 3/27 to solidify things a bit
        • Broke down the work a bit. I’m responsible for:
          • assessments
          • activiites
          • badges
          • certificates
    • IST 220 (Friedenberg)
      • Meeting set up for 5/2 from 11:00-12:00 to discuss
    • IST 230 (Newcomer)
      • Email from Larry that he likes the tables that have been created
      • Sent him a reply that we will replace static tables with the interactive ones and let him know
      • Talked to Greg on 3/12 about updating the course with materials that we created. This the page to be updated: He got sick and couldn’t complete it.
      • Checked on 3/14 and tables were replaced. Now, we need to add the 2-variable examples and make the directions a bit better. Need to check back in on 3/26 to finish the project
      • Talked with Greg and sent him an email of updates to make a few changes on 3/26
    • IST 240 (Fonseca)
      • Looks like Fred will be speaking with Lisa about the course committee and getting things moving toward a revision
      • My understanding is that the curriculum will eventually have 140 leading to 242 for the design & development option
      • 240 will be for everyone else
      • Fred would like to tie activities together a bit more for this course
    • IST 250 (Bixler)
      • Met with Brett on 1/30 to discuss adjustments
        • Mostly items that Brett will fix
        • He will send me changes to the curriculum as Word doc for me to update
    • IST 420 (Ocker)
        • Spoke with Rosalie about both 420 and 301 for Summer ’13. I moved the reminder to mid-April to allow time for her to finish up a few items
        • Got the okay to merge sections
  • Spring ’13 Courses
    • IST 110
      • Sec 007 (Jim F)
        • Sent examples of assignment to give feedback
    • IST 240
      • Sec 002 (Hal)
        • Sent note about how to keep archival items in the course.
        • My reply was to have only content on 240 site and assignments in ANGEL
        • Hal agreed, not sure this will lead since a revision is on the horizon
    • IST 250
      • Sec 001 (O’Hara)
        • Problem reported with ANGEL losing info
        • Refered to WC Helpdesk
    • IST 302
      • Sec 001 (Clark)
        • Sent out note to follow up on peer evals with Shawn and Nathan
          • They plan to go with google forms & appear to be ready to implement
    • IST 421
      • Sec 001 (Hill)
        • Note from WC Helpdesk about peer evals which were moved to ANGEL surveys
  • Summer ’13 Courses
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001 (Farugia)
        • Emailed Farugia and got the okay to set up the course based upon Spring ’13 version
        • Completed 2/13/13
      • Sec 002 (Newcomer Folkers)
        • Emailed Deirdre on 2/26/13 about course since she will be teaching it.
          • Couldn’t find this email that I thought I sent, probably just forgot 🙁
        • Sent a follow up on 3/20 and got a reply right away to go ahead
        • Completed setting up the course and emailed Deidre of the changes on 3/21
        • Added video from Summer ’12 upon request
    • IST 111S
      • Sec 001 (Folkers)
        • Set up the course based upon SP 13 version
        • Follow up email with Deirdre to let her know that it is done on 2/12/13
    • IST 210
      • Sec 001 (Gary H)
        • Sent Gary an email n 2/21 about what he would like done to populate his section
        • Copied and completed setting up for Summer ’13 on 2/21/13
      • Sec 002 (Fred A)
        • Sent Fred an email n 2/21 about what he would like done to populate his section
        • Follow up sent on 3/14
        • Fred said that it would be fine, so I set it up on 3/14 and let Fred know
    • IST 220
      • Sec 001 (Nick G)
        • Talked to Nick on 2/21 & agreed that moving his section from Spring ’13 and making adjustments to fit the summer makes the most sense. I plan to wait until the end of April to move items
      • Sec 002 (Mike M)
        • Emailed Mike on 2/21 about plan. He was fine with it.
      • Sec 003 (Hyunjeong)
        • Contacted Hyunjeong about when she would like me to move her materials over to Summer ’13 section
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001 & 002 (Larry)
        • Will need to merge the sections for Larry to populate
        • Checked with WC on 3/12 about 2nd section being on my profile
        • Checked on 3/14 and had both sections on my profile
        • Thanked WC for the help
        • Called Larry about merging sections
        • I merged the sections on 3/14
        • He will populate the space from there
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 (Hal)
        • Will contact Hal in mid-April about populating Summer ’13 section since he has a few items to update
        • Note from Anita C-G on 3/26 that we will have a student with impaired hearing. Glad we took this into account when we last revised the course.
    • IST 250
      • Sec 001 (John O)
        • Copied over Spring ’13 materials to Summer ’13 space for John
    • IST 295B
      • Sec 001 (Kari)
        • Contacted Madhavi on 2/20/13 about populating the Summer ’13 section
    • IST 301
      • Sec 001 (Ocker)
        • Spoke with Rosalie
          • Sounded like she would populate her own section
    • IST 302
      • Sec 001 (Clark)
        • emailed on 3/8 that will copy over SP ’13 materials
        • he replied that it sounded good on 3/11
        • set up the section on 3/12 and emailed him
      • Sec 002 (Jesse Bill C if needed)
        • emailed on 3/8 that will copy over dev space materials
        • This section is not showing on my profile since 1st section is not full
    • IST 331
      • Sec 001 (Cantor)
        • Emailed to set up a meeting to discuss changes that need to be made before Summer ’13
        • Bill responded that he would be at UP on 4/8 & 4/9, so we will meet f2f on 4/9 at 3:30
    • IST 402
      • Sec 001 (Cameron)
        • Melissa will do this
    • IST 420
      • Sec 001 & 002 (Ocker)
        • Looks like a merge
        • Rosalie still needs to finish a few things reminder for mid-April to check back in
        • Got the okay to merge
          • Completed on 3/27
    • IST 440W
      • Sec 001 & 002 – Merged (JW)
        • merged and populated the course on 3/12
        • had to update the course announcement with BB Collaborate info
        • updated the communicate tab to remove live chat
        • sent email on 3/12 that the process was completed
          • Jim said he’d check when he has time
    • IST 495
      • Sec 001 (Kari)
        • Contacted Madhavi on 2/20/13 about populating the Summer ’13 section

Ongoing Projects:

    • Updated google spreadsheet for Summer ’13 

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • Need LMS that better integrates and includes tools that we use in our classes.

Important Dates:

  • MOOC Jan 4 – March 15 called Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
  • MOOC Jan 14 – Mar 4 called Fundamentals of Personal Finance
  • March 4 Vacation Day
  • March 5 Vacation Day
  • March 11 Prof Dev: Voice Thread at PSU: Hands on Training Session
  • March 15 Out for the day
  • March16 TLT Symposium
  • March 18-22 IST Startup Week
  • March 18 WAH from 2PM
  • March 20 March Gaming Brownbag on Currency Exchange
  • March 27 PM Vacation Time – 1.5h
  • March 29 Vacation Day
  • April 1 Vacation Day
  • April 2 Vaction Time AM – 4h
  • May 3 Vacation Day
  • May 6 Vacation Day
  • May 27 Memorial Day – Holiday
  • June 14 Vacation Day
  • June 21 Vacation Day
  • July 4 Holiday
  • July 5 Vacation Day
  • July 11 Vacation Day
  • July 12 Vacation Day
  • August 19 Vacation Day
  • August 20 Vacation Day

Reflection on Gramsci

Here are my reflections on Clarke’s blog on Gramsci.

Quote: As a Marxist his focus was on cultural and ideological forces in society. Informal education along with defined roles for intellectuals and redefining schools, are all main themes for Gramsciphysical conflict between the classes became a mental conflict, where ideas were the weapons, perpetuated through institutions, especially educational institutions.
Reflection: There are many times in during my time in education where I have observed many individuals use education for their own purposes. Modern times are no different. In our case, we have the semantics of NCLB as a weapon to promote the purposes of the elite. They use this to water down education and make testing the focus. We can actually help our kids to elevate in this system. Hopefully, we can change this focus and get back to truly educating our children.

Quote: The common consciousness unwittingly adopts these beliefs and preserves inequalities and domination.
Reflection: Clarke goes on to discuss coercive and non-coercive forces whose aim is to promote inequality. I think that no matter how hard we try that inequality is going to exist. How this inequality ultimately is treated by the society as a whole is what matters. In other words, does someone who has greater competence get treated much differently. Or do we have a place for those with lower skills to succeed. I think that we need to rethink these types of questions. Let’s make a community where everyone has value and purpose so that we can elevate our society, instead of propping up on those areas that we determine to be better.

Quote: “…we should be wary of vocational schools for the poor and academic schools for the richhe saw learning as being active through activities.
Reflection: We really need to learn how to integrate this altogether. But I hear this time and time again. We would all be better off to have a bit of knowledge beyond our comfort zone.

Quote: Schools need to produce well-rounded participants in society, but also intellectuals who would act as a brake on the power of the ruling classes to exercise their power through education.
Reflection: It really is up to the individual to play his/her part in this story. Too many times, we decide that there is nothing that can be done to change the current situation. Becoming involved and active is the best way to make change for the good, being careful not to perpetuate the problems of society yourself.

Quote: The rise of technology may be moving us in this direction with almost universal access to online knowledge through Google, Wikipedia, Amazon and a plethora of other sources.
Reflection: I’ll put MOOCs in the category of “other sources.” While I can see how each of these areas are ways to elevate those without education, I see many within education not allowing this to happen. Ultimately, without some type of system to provide recognized credentials (badging?), it is hard to change the system. In most cases, MOOCs are a knock off for the real course. We are still far away from a better system.

Reflection 3/18/13-3/22/13


    • Personal Security MOOC
      • Meeting on 3/20 to discuss with Gary
      • Set up a meeting for Monday 3/25 from 10:30-11:30 with Brett to discuss badges
      • ID meeting on 3/25 to solidify things a bit
    • IST 220 (Friedenberg)
      • Meeting set up for 3/14 from 1:30-2 to discuss
      • Mark pushed it back until early May
    • IST 230 (Newcomer)
      • Email from Larry that he likes the tables that have been created
      • Sent him a reply that we will replace static tables with the interactive ones and let him know
      • Talked to Greg on 3/12 about updating the course with materials that we created. This the page to be updated: He got sick and couldn’t complete it.
      • Checked on 3/14 and tables were replaced. Now, we need to add the 2-variable examples and make the directions a bit better. Need to check back in on 3/21 to finish the project
    • IST 250 (Bixler)
      • Met with Brett on 1/30 to discuss adjustments
        • Mostly items that Brett will fix
        • He will send me changes to the curriculum as Word doc for me to update
    • IST 420 (Ocker)
        • Spoke with Rosalie about both 420 and 301 for Summer ’13. I moved the reminder to mid-April to allow time for her to finish up a few items
  • Spring ’13 Courses
    • IST 110
      • Sec 007 (Jim F)
        • Sent results from mid-course survey that he gave.
        • All appears well
        • Request to send student work and give feedback
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001 (Newcomer)
        • Consulted on student interaction
  • Summer ’13 Courses
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001 (Farugia)
        • Emailed Farugia and got the okay to set up the course based upon Spring ’13 version
        • Completed 2/13/13
      • Sec 002 (Newcomer Folkers)
        • Emailed Deirdre on 2/26/13 about course since she will be teaching it.
          • Couldn’t find this email that I thought I sent, probably just forgot 🙁
        • Sent a follow up on 3/20 and got a reply right away to go ahead
        • Completed setting up the course and emailed Deidre of the changes on 3/21
        • Added video from Summer ’12 upon request
    • IST 111S
      • Sec 001 (Folkers)
        • Set up the course based upon SP 13 version
        • Follow up email with Deirdre to let her know that it is done on 2/12/13
    • IST 210
      • Sec 001 (Gary H)
        • Sent Gary an email n 2/21 about what he would like done to populate his section
        • Copied and completed setting up for Summer ’13 on 2/21/13
      • Sec 002 (Fred A)
        • Sent Fred an email n 2/21 about what he would like done to populate his section
        • Follow up sent on 3/14
        • Fred said that it would be fine, so I set it up on 3/14 and let Fred know
    • IST 220
      • Sec 001 (Nick G)
        • Talked to Nick on 2/21 & agreed that moving his section from Spring ’13 and making adjustments to fit the summer makes the most sense. I plan to wait until the end of April to move items
      • Sec 002 (Mike M)
        • Emailed Mike on 2/21 about plan. He was fine with it.
      • Sec 003 (Hyunjeong)
        • Contacted Hyunjeong about when she would like me to move her materials over to Summer ’13 section
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001 & 002 (Larry)
        • Will need to merge the sections for Larry to populate
        • Checked with WC on 3/12 about 2nd section being on my profile
        • Checked on 3/14 and had both sections on my profile
        • Thanked WC for the help
        • Called Larry about merging sections
        • I merged the sections on 3/14
        • He will populate the space from there
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 (Hal)
        • Will contact Hal in mid-April about populating Summer ’13 section since he has a few items to update
    • IST 250
      • Sec 001 (John O)
        • Copied over Spring ’13 materials to Summer ’13 space for John
    • IST 295B
      • Sec 001 (Kari)
        • Contacted Madhavi on 2/20/13 about populating the Summer ’13 section
    • IST 301
      • Sec 001 (Ocker)
        • Spoke with Rosalie
          • Sounded like she would populate her own section
    • IST 302
      • Sec 001 (Clark)
        • emailed on 3/8 that will copy over SP ’13 materials
        • he replied that it sounded good on 3/11
        • set up the section on 3/12 and emailed him
      • Sec 002 (Jesse Bill C if needed)
        • emailed on 3/8 that will copy over dev space materials
        • This section is not showing on my profile since 1st section is not full
    • IST 331
      • Sec 001 (Cantor)
        • Emailed to set up a meeting to discuss changes that need to be made before Summer ’13
        • Bill responded that he would be at UP on 4/8 & 4/9, so we will meet f2f on 4/9 at 3:30
    • IST 402
      • Sec 001 (Cameron)
        • Melissa will do this
    • IST 420
      • Sec 001 & 002 (Ocker)
        • Looks like a merge
        • Rosalie still needs to finish a few things reminder for mid-April to check back in
    • IST 440W
      • Sec 001 & 002 – Merged (JW)
        • merged and populated the course on 3/12
        • had to update the course announcement with BB Collaborate info
        • updated the communicate tab to remove live chat
        • sent email on 3/12 that the process was completed
          • Jim said he’d check when he has time
    • IST 495
      • Sec 001 (Kari)
        • Contacted Madhavi on 2/20/13 about populating the Summer ’13 section

Ongoing Projects:

    • Updated google spreadsheet for Summer ’13 

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • Need LMS that better integrates and includes tools that we use in our classes.

Important Dates:

  • MOOC Jan 4 – March 15 called Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
  • MOOC Jan 14 – Mar 4 called Fundamentals of Personal Finance
  • March 4 Vacation Day
  • March 5 Vacation Day
  • March 11 Prof Dev: Voice Thread at PSU: Hands on Training Session
  • March 15 Out for the day
  • March16 TLT Symposium
  • March 18-22 IST Startup Week
  • March 18 WAH from 2PM
  • March 20 March Gaming Brownbag on Currency Exchange
  • March 29 Vacation Day
  • April 1 Vacation Day
  • April 2 Vaction Time AM – 4h
  • May 3 Vacation Day
  • May 6 Vacation Day
  • May 27 Memorial Day – Holiday
  • June 14 Vacation Day
  • June 21 Vacation Day
  • July 4 Holiday
  • July 5 Vacation Day
  • July 11 Vacation Day
  • July 12 Vacation Day
  • August 19 Vacation Day
  • August 20 Vacation Day

IST Start Up Week

I had a chance to watch several session on JustinTV. Definitely nice to be able to keep working while checking in with the conversation.

My favorite session was one given by David Hua (Sincerely) and Rajiv Eranki (formerly of Dropbox). I really liked the attitude and energy of David, especially. He has this real vibrancy that you can see he is a real guy who is doing great things. The thing that sticks the most with me was how David responded to a question on being a “Rock Star.” He mentioned that he thought it was really important to be humble and that there were so many people in Silicon Valley that have done amazing things.

I was also surprised when Rajiv mentioned how they hired to their team. It was more about how well someone had done and whether they had won competitions. Also, it was important to be someone who was within the friend network. Being able to get along with others was so important.

A quote that stuck with me was one that David lived by “You can go fast by yourself, but far with others.” Definitely like his spirit of working with others to do great things.

A great question asked by one of the students was about whether it would be best to start with a big company then go to a startup. Or go straight to a startup. David answered this well. He could see that starting in a big company made sense since you would learn so much there. Then you could turn around and move to a startup with that knowledge.

Definitely a week, looking forward to what comes of it.

Educational Gaming Brown Bag: Currency Exchange

I was very impressed by the presentation given by James Laurie and Mary Ann Mengel. It was a thorough presentation and showed both their implementation and research before starting the process.

One resource that I need to read is The Gamification of Learning & Instruction. Just added it to my google book library to read.   

Based upon their reading and research, James and Mary Ann mapped their learning objectives. I noticed that their objectives were found on higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. Definitely an idea to adopt.

A great point made by Mary Ann was that games work great for situations where there are multiple factors. In this example, there were several factors that influenced profit. Making a game was a great way for students to study the effect of these factors in a way that they were able to make choices or be at the whim of circumstances in order to better understand the concepts presented.

As James and Mary Ann spoke, I could tell that there were many team members involved Team approach, constantly checking with multiple experts to make sure the game made sense. They also shared their timeline.


It took awhile to get this going, and that is because of all of the additional responsibilities that each team member had to accomplish besides this project. Also, they were handling the whole process from scratch. It would be nice if we had more easily accessible templates in an engine that we could leverage to cut down the timeline.

As I mentioned earlier, the team working on this project did much analysis and design based upon research. Here is a slide that they shared about their analysis and design.



With the proper ground work and team established. They were able to move into storyboarding. Here are a few slides on storyboarding.


It may be difficult to see, but this above slide starts the process of determining scenarios for the game. It lists different cases for round 1 and reasons for decreases in sales price.


Once an overall storyboard and ideas have been developed, it is time to drill down into each component. This is a slide on storyboarding for round 1.


Here is another slide, this time for round 2 of the game.

Mary Ann talked at length about accessibility. An unanticipated event that happened in the middle of this project was that NFB had filed a complaint against Penn State. This complaint encouraged them to think about how to make the game more accessible. If they would have known about this, they would have taken a different approach from using flash.



At the end of the discussion, Mary Ann talked about the benefits of gaming relating to skill sets that matter to workforce and mapped what games help to develop. Here is a slide on game dimension aspects of games. They went into detail on what elements were highlighted in their game.



Interesting to think about implementation. Should this be prefaced with instruction or considered as an anticipatory set that will lead to more engagement before introducing a topic. Sounded like the latter worked well this semester.

Reflection on Marx

Have to admit, it makes me a bit nervous to put type these titles, Marx, Jesus, Mohammed. I’m only reflecting on these 🙂

This time, I’m looking at Clarke’s blog on Marx.
Quote: “Although Karl Marx wrote little on educational theory, his influence on learning theory and practice has been profound.”
Reflection: I’ll take your word for it.

Quote: “To this day Marxism, to a degree, persists in educational and learning theory, most notably in the social constructivism of Vygotsky, Luria and Leontyev.
Reflection: Interesting.. Since I consider myself a constructivist at heart, I better pay attention.

Quote: “The solution to the dominance of the ruling class was, first to abolish of child labour, then introduce free, state-funded education.
Reflection: As an aside, we use this principle loosely in our society. Although we say that we have compulsory education, we are turning more and more to the individual. I can see the merits in making education free and forcing the “state” to pay for it. But I’m afraid that there are forces larger than any of us that control education.

Quote: “ Class structures determine knowledge and the means by which knowledge is transmitted, distributed and taught.
Reflection: This is still true. We will always battle with equity for all when it comes to education. It is interesting that we are still trying to distribute education to the masses like food that is to be rationed. I just read an article about MOOCs and academic freedom that said the following, “Of far greater importance for human progress and the nature of the human condition is the essential prerequisite of independent critical thinking that can neither be bought nor suppressed.” I can’t help but see that there will always be forces that seek to control education because of its importance to obtaining power and influence. Not being interested in either power or influence, I wish that those forces would just evaporate..
Quote: “The resurrection of Vygotsky has led to strong beliefs and practices around the role of the teachers and collaborative learning and the belief that social context lies at the heart of educational problems.
Reflection: To me context is so essential whether it is social or not. Humans are social and require each other to make knowledge.

Quote: “Individuals will have several careers and through ‘education… pass from one branch of production to another in response to the needs of society or their own inclinations’.
Reflection: Marx was way ahead of his time! I’m a great example of this principle. This principle is the basis of the 21st Century skill movement.

Quote: “On the positive side, the Victorian democratisation of education, that arose from the industrial revolution, was transformed by Marxist and socialist ideas into a movement that pushed for free, state-funded education as a right for every citizen.
Reflection: To me this is only the start. To think that education alone can be the driver to real social change is short-sighted.

Quote: “…the idea that education reflects and props up class differences, by filtering people, not on ability, but social background. Inequalities still exist and political interference through ideological, rather than evidence-based policies, are still the norm.
Reflection: Completely agree. I think that the only way that we can combat this notion is to have those in power who admit this and act differently. Instead of using wealth and power to increase the gap, we need the rich and powerful to influence for good. I’m not seeing that happening any time soon. So we toil and fight for our own futures and the futures of those around us. Hopefully, when all is said and done, we will have done something good.

Reflection 3/11/13 – 3/16/13


  • Prof Dev
    • MOOC on Personal Finance
      • Course is over
      • Didn’t take the final which was 40% of the grade, so I did not earn a certificate
      • Not sad b/c getting a cert for that course proves little
    • Voice Thread at PSU: Hands on Training Session
      • Led by Allan Klein
        • Noone else showed up, so I had a 1-on-1 session
        • Good info
          • Nice Getting Started and Support sections on this page:
          • Notification on Voicethread
          • Plan is to integrate Voicethread into ANGEL
            • I think this would be the best; I will definitely encourage faculty to use if this happens since it would be a better option than current DF
          • Voicethread is now able to add text for captioning
          • Best practice is to load pdfs instead of ppts since ppts often get stretched
        • Kent has some nice info for Voicethread in SRA 111:
        • Kent mentioned that what he does to create groups is set up a group then send out a link from Voicethread that automatically populates the group, instead of a manual process.
    • TLT Symposium – Great time of learning and connecting. Here are reflections on my three favorite sessions:
  • Spring ’13 revisions/developments
    • IST 220 (Friedenberg)
      • Meeting set up for 3/14 from 1:30-2 to discuss
      • Mark pushed it back until early May
    • IST 230 (Newcomer)
      • Email from Larry that he likes the tables that have been created
      • Sent him a reply that we will replace static tables with the interactive ones and let him know
      • Talked to Greg on 3/12 about updating the course with materials that we created. This the page to be updated: He got sick and couldn’t complete it.
      • Checked on 3/14 and tables were replaced. Now, we need to add the 2-variable examples and make the directions a bit better.
    • IST 250 (Bixler)
      • Met with Brett on 1/30 to discuss adjustments
        • Mostly items that Brett will fix
        • He will send me changes to the curriculum as Word doc for me to update
    • IST 420 (Ocker)
        • Will send Rosalie a note about both 420 and 301 for Summer ’13 next week.
  • Spring ’13 Courses
    • IST 220
      • All Sec
        • Meeting to discuss VHOL
        • Bottom line appears that we will need to get a faculty group together to make the 220 experience better
        • We also need a team to make this work the best with Faculty in the lead, IT, and ID as consultants
  • Summer ’13 Courses
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001 (Farugia)
        • Emailed Farugia and got the okay to set up the course based upon Spring ’13 version
        • Completed 2/13/13
      • Sec 002 (Newcomer Folkers)
        • Emailed Deirdre on 2/26/13 about course since she will be teaching it.
    • IST 111S
      • Sec 001 (Folkers)
        • Set up the course based upon SP 13 version
        • Follow up email with Deirdre to let her know that it is done on 2/12/13
    • IST 210
      • Sec 001 (Gary H)
        • Sent Gary an email n 2/21 about what he would like done to populate his section
        • Copied and completed setting up for Summer ’13 on 2/21/13
      • Sec 002 (Fred A)
        • Sent Fred an email n 2/21 about what he would like done to populate his section
        • Follow up sent on 3/14
        • Fred said that it would be fine, so I set it up on 3/14 and let Fred know
    • IST 220
      • Sec 001 (Nick G)
        • Talked to Nick on 2/21 & agreed that moving his section from Spring ’13 and making adjustments to fit the summer makes the most sense. I plan to wait until the end of April to move items
      • Sec 002 (Mike M)
        • Emailed Mike on 2/21 about plan. He was fine with it.
      • Sec 003 (Hyunjeong)
        • Contacted Hyunjeong about when she would like me to move her materials over to Summer ’13 section
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001 & 002 (Larry)
        • Will need to merge the sections for Larry to populate
        • Checked with WC on 3/12 about 2nd section being on my profile
        • Checked on 3/14 and had both sections on my profile
        • Thanked WC for the help
        • Called Larry about merging sections
        • I merged the sections on 3/14
        • He will populate the space from there
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 (Hal)
        • Will contact Hal in mid-April about populating Summer ’13 section since he has a few items to update
    • IST 250
      • Sec 001 (John O)
        • Copied over Spring ’13 materials to Summer ’13 space for John
    • IST 295B
      • Sec 001 (Kari)
        • Contacted Madhavi on 2/20/13 about populating the Summer ’13 section
    • IST 302
      • Sec 001 (Clark)
        • emailed on 3/8 that will copy over SP ’13 materials
        • he replied that it sounded good on 3/11
        • set up the section on 3/12 and emailed him
      • Sec 002 (Jesse Bill C if needed)
        • emailed on 3/8 that will copy over dev space materials
        • This section is not showing on my profile since 1st section is not full
    • IST 331
      • Emailed to set up a meeting to discuss changes that need to be made before Summer ’13
      • Bill responded that he would be at UP on 4/8 & 4/9, so we will meet f2f on 4/9 at 3:30
    • IST 440W
      • Sec 001 & 002 – Merged (JW)
        • merged and populated the course on 3/12
        • had to update the course announcement with BB Collaborate info
        • updated the communicate tab to remove live chat
        • sent email on 3/12 that the process was completed
    • IST 495
      • Sec 001 (Kari)
        • Contacted Madhavi on 2/20/13 about populating the Summer ’13 section

Ongoing Projects:

    • Updated google spreadsheet for Summer ’13 

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • Need LMS that better integrates and includes tools that we use in our classes.

Important Dates:

  • MOOC Jan 4 – March 15 called Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
  • MOOC Jan 14 – Mar 4 called Fundamentals of Personal Finance
  • March 4 Vacation Day
  • March 5 Vacation Day
  • March 11 Prof Dev: Voice Thread at PSU: Hands on Training Session
  • March 15 Out for the day
  • March16 TLT Symposium
  • March 20 March Gaming Brownbag on Currency Exchange
  • March 29 Vacation Day
  • April 1 Vacation Day
  • May 3 Vacation Day
  • May 6 Vacation Day
  • May 27 Memorial Day – Holiday
  • June 14 Vacation Day
  • June 21 Vacation Day
  • July 4 Holiday
  • July 5 Vacation Day
  • July 11 Vacation Day
  • July 12 Vacation Day
  • August 19 Vacation Day
  • August 20 Vacation Day

Reflecton on Yammer for Teaching & Learning

Yammer has been a social network with promise here at PSU. Honestly, I use it from time to time, but prefer using twitter b/c it’s open and gives me insight on many areas. Yammer is a good place to have a focused pursuit.

In the session, we saw several applications of Yammer. In two of the courses, the instructors bought into the use of Yammer. The other was skeptical and chose not to use it again. I think that Yammer is a good tool if you plan to do most if not all of the course within the tool. But until Yammer gets integrated into ANGEL, it won’t be a great option. At this point, Yammer has a ton of functionality, but it does not handle grades.

It was also interesting that the instructor who bought the most into using Yammer mentioned that his online course took him 2 h more/week than his face-to-face course.

Reflection on Digital Badges at PSU

I’ve had time to think about badges and their impact to teaching and learning. This session helped to solidify to me why incorporating badges could help to fill a need in providing feedback and meaning for tasks that are not currently being assessed.

To start the session, Kyle Peck talked about how badges could potentially replace grades and transcripts. To me, this is way down the road. We first need to start small and allow for a testing and development of a program of badges to exist before we could replace a huge system like this. Applying Johansson’s approach, we could start with staff and professional development. Using Mozilla Open Badges may be a good start that then leads to a more involved system as we learn from our successes and failures.

I was interested in a statement by Ken Layng. He said that badges may be a way for students to create their own paths of learning. Currently, there are many lock-step programs. If students could accumulate badges based upon their interests, maybe they could forge their own learning path.

I also liked the thought presented by Kyle that maybe badges would help us better run the srdp process. It would be so nice if the professional development that we currently do would be captured and automatically populate our reviews, instead of us having to frame all of our professional development from our own perspective.

Reflection on TLT Symposium Keynote: Frans Johansson

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I also love to attend the TLT Symposium, and one of the biggest reasons is that they always bring in a heavy hitter to start the day. This year, they brought in Frans Johansson, who along with being a dynamic speaker is the author of two books, The Medici Effect and The Click Moment. Often, I go to events like this where I find myself just going along with the speaker without being challenged or inspired. I found myself being both challenged and inspired by Frans, both by his approach to public speaking and to the way that he engages, challenges, and inspires.

I hear so many who have had success in any field talk about their approach. I get the feeling that they feel that what they have learned and what they are doing is somehow superior to what others do. They have the formula to success and everyone else should just line up to drink from their elixir. Frans doesn’t take that approach. He talks about the role of luck in success. That is refreshing! How can success all be so easy to figure and calculate? It can’t. Some who have success are more lucky than skilled. Here are a series of quotes and tweets from the session that highlight this idea,

  • Tweet from @JustStormy (Melissa Hicks) "Frankly, I [Frans Johansson] got lucky [refering to success with his book, The Medici Effect]." Isn’t that how it mostly works? Serendipitous meetings, sudden moments…"
  • Tweet from @stevier (Stevie Rocco) You don’t have to know the field better than anyone else to get it right. Randomness and serendipity make us stand apart.

Of course, success in all fields isn’t necessarily random as Johansson points out using Serena Williams and tennis. If a field has strict parameters, then it is best to use a strategy of repetition and hardworking with the aim of doing things better than others through sheer will. But in a field like technology, art, entertainment, education, and most businesses, the rules change all the time and the audience may make unexpected decisions about what they think is best. For these situations, decisions about what to do will be difficult since it is nearly impossible to determine what will work.

So what do we do? What is the role of strategy in the first place? Should we just act randomly and hope for the best? First, it’s difficult for humans to act randomly. This was illustrated by playing rock-paper-scissors with our neighbor. Truth be told, I lost 3-2 to Melissa. The best strategy in this game is to be able to act randomly. I’m terrible at being random as most humans are. We see this all the time with teenagers who in their quest to be different, create a culture of sameness. I get a bit tenative just thinking about this. Strategies can help to at least start of the process of acting. If you need a strategy to act, then do it.

But how do we ensure that our strategies will provide novel ideas that have a better chance of being winning strategies? This has a better chance of success by putting together diverse groups. Anecdotally, I have seen this myself in my work as an ID. In situations where those with different skills sets and perspectives are placed together in teams, they will accomplish more. That doesn’t mean the environment is always fun or without conflict. But the outcome of having to work with others is tremendous.

I liked how Frans likened ideas as bets. Many times, our ideas are large and involve much investment to start. His suggestion was to place many small bets in order to maximize success. This strategy is what Google employs. Accepting that many ideas will be failures but failing faster and smaller will allow for that one great idea to come to the surface. Here is a great tweet by Melissa repeating Frans comment on Picasso

  • Place many bets. "Picasso painted over 50,000 paintings…most of those sat in basements! Why? They SUCKED!" – Frans Johansson

Employing this strategy of failing smaller and often means that one has to be resilient. It seems to me that many are hamstrung by the thought of failure. It can lead to paralysis. Unfortuantely, I can see this as a problem here at the university. Many are happy to continue on as is. I think this is a result of the success that the univeristy has had. Success can lead to a lean toward being conservative and relying on past successes. I’m not sure what needs to happen to change this. I’m afraid that larger organizational failure may be that thing.

Frans ended the session by telling us to pay attention to surprise. To me, this is a fresh way of thinking and that freshness is the way that we can move ahead. Imagine if Penn State worked on the premise of a barrage of small ideas that may fail. Just by shear size, we could start a revolution in education.