Reflection 9/2/13-9/6/13


  • Prof Dev
    • Because of the loss of Monday, I found myself back in the hole. Barely got the reflection done. Need to complete this on Monday next week. Also, didn’t start the reflection until Friday. Need to make it a point to get this going on Monday.
  • Fall ’13 revisions/developments
    • IST 220 (Giacobe)
      • Received materials that look good
      • Need to get those in place next week
    • IST 402 (Jansen)
      • Meeting set up by Amy S for 6/12 to discuss new topic around Jim Jansen’s f2f 402 “The Google Online Marketing Challenge”
      • Sounds like a good idea from several perspectives:
        • student engagement via competition
        • marketing to students in other majors for minor
      • Few possible obstacles
        • Not enough students from other majors with complementary skills
        • Large need for synchronous meetings
        • Large time commitment
      • Email sent on 6/12 to Jim to set up meeting for June 24-28
        • Meeting planned for June 24 from 3-4
          • Looks like lots of captivates
          • Need to put together a process to share with him to make this streamlined
          • Need to have a drupal space created
          • He probably won’t be able to get me product until August 1
      • Put in request to IST Helpdesk to create ist402gomc site for Jansen’s course
        • received notification on 6/26 that this was done
        • sent a footprints request to set up the site on 6/27 to Ranjani and Will
        • Will overlayed template on the course
        • Allison enabled a few pages for course information & made a template syllabus
      • Amy S contacted Jim on 7/30
        • Jim got right back & asked about videos from the course, specifically screenr
        • after consulting with Will & Allison decided b/c of the changeable nature of the course that screenr process to mp4 to embedded in the course would be the best way to go
        • Jim sounded hesitant about process after I laid out the steps, but it is b/c he’s never done this before. Reassured and asked for feedback to improve process
      • Note from Jim on 8/8 about where to put content
        • Repurposed Saab’s 402 for Jim to use
      • Also asked by Jim about one lesson a week format
        • Told him to put things together using a topical approach, and we can figure out timing later
      • Received materials on 8/12 but it needs to be parsed out, added to the couse space, and send feedback to clarify expectations
      • Need to get this rolling next week.
  • Fall ’13 Courses
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001 (Garbrick)
        • Several notes from students
          • Amy took care of issues
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 (Fonseca)
        • Complaint by Fred on Friday about Blackboard Collaborate
          • I may need to join him for the next session
          • He should have shared his screen instead of url
          • He should have practiced first to work out the bugs
    • IST 302
      • Sec 001 (Jan)
        • More notes
        • This needs to end (her teaching online
          • Kudos to Lauren and Eric for getting things together with transcripts
    • IST 420
      • Secs 001 & 002 (Cantor)
        • Ranjani completed several youtube transcriptions
        • Lauren will pick up on the captivates

Ongoing Projects:

    • Need to get James Carnicella info about courses next week
    • Need to update google spreadsheet for Spring ’14

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • Need LMS that better integrates and includes tools that we use in our classes.

Important Dates:

  • September 9 Sick Time – 2h in PM
  • September 27 Vacation Time 4h in PM

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