DevLearn 2013 Day #2

It’s been a few days since the conference has ended, but I have a few thoughts on day 2 of DevLearn.

Design Models & Patterns for Creating Better e Learning by Cammy Bean
Cammy made some excellent points during this session. I liked how she started by saying that what she was presenting was by no means complete but a work in progress. I agree that much in e-learning is in flux and needs to be adapted and changed over time. Why wouldn’t our ideas and philosophies go through a similar transformation?

She also talked about the need to create a common language. This helps with the important aspect of communication within the team.

There is also this notion of templates and patterns that arose. I have been thinking of how important templates would be in order to be efficient. But there is this notion of patterns which has arisen that is more flexible. I need to spend more time reading and thinking about this. Right now, it looks like we are talking about a more flexible and adjust way of creating mini modules that can be assembled to create large e-learning modules.

Cammy broke most of the session into three categories of learning:

  1. Inform or raise awareness
  2. Build knowledge and skills
  3. Solve complex problems; change attitudes and behaviors

To address the first aspect, she suggested several ideas:

  • e-magazines
  • infomercials
  • almanacs

These made alot of sense. It would interesting to include these types of learning objects in a course just to increase variety.

To address teaching/building skills, she started by invoking Gagne and his philosophy. Here is a recent reflection that I wrote based upon Clark’s blog on Gagne: I don’t believe that any philosophy should be completely rejected, but I have a strong stance against the philosophies held within this theory. It is interesting that even though Cammy leans upon this theory, there is much that can be adjusted to include a more social learning environment. To me this is what needs to be done to make Gagne’s theories better. Here are the main ideas presented in this part of the presentation:

  • Gain attention
  • Set direction
  • Present content
  • Practice
  • Assess & Summarize
  • Call to action

Like I said these are good, but it is important to remember that there are a variety of ways to accomplish this without falling into the same pattern. Cammy was all about that from what I could see.

E-Learning Myths: What Research Says by Clark and Udell

Here are the myths that were mentioned:

  1. We should adapt to different learning styles. – Adaptation to learners has not been shown scientifically to work. Use best practices in learning design. Design learning for the outcome.
  2. We should measure the differences in the learner. – Different analytical tool results can change over time based on the individual. A valid analytical tool based upon psychometric analysis has not been found. Also, using psychometric instruments reinforce stereotypes.
  3. Young people are naturally good with digital technology. – Younger generation capable of using technology but not all that well but struggle with analysis. Develop for all ages. Don’t assume good tech skills.
  4. Generations differ in meaningful ways. Based upon a study, there was no difference in what individuals value in work, by age. Considering these types of differences is biased and may incorporate ageism into design.

I have been in several trainings that would have refuted what was being stated in this session. I think that a debate may have been a better way to present the material. Just my opinion…

Using Design Thinking to Fill in What’s Missing from ADDIE by Malamed

To start this session, we were reminded that everyone was born to be creative. I fundamentally agree with this, but I know many who don’t believe this. How do we change that? Not sure if I have a specific answer. Here a shot…. You have to show people by giving them a challenge that reveals it. That is what we were asked to do. We had to think about several elements in the presentation room that involved design. 

We were also reminded through IDEO founder David Kelly that diversity, collaboration, and empathy to the user are important elements of design. Here are a few links relating to this part of the discussion:

According to this notion of design, here are the main principles:

  • Empathize
  • Define
  • Ideate – constraints can help to bring structure
  • Prototype
  • Test

There is much to research and reflect on here. I am getting the feeling that there is no specific way to address design from a theoretical level. You need to use ideas and adjust to fit your needs. The biggest part is getting started.

Great day at the conference. Enjoyed the sessions and energy from all of the speakers.

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