DevLearn 2013 Day #3

Since this was the final day, and I need to catch a flight, I was only able to attend one session.

AGILE Instructional Design: Keeping Pace with the Speed of Change by Conrad Gottfredson
This turned out to be not only informative but also entertaining. Conrad had a way of getting his point across while making us laugh along the way. I have to say that much of the session was over my head. In order to make this concept useful, I’ll need to do more in-depth study and application.

One of the main points in the session is that we need to move away from the train only mode of e-learning. There needs to be training that transfers and is sustained in the learner to be effective. This is an important piece that we don’t always build into our concept of what makes a course. In higher ed, we are often more interested in how students perform on an assessment than how it moves into the future. I guess we just assume that what a student learns goes with them into their future. But this is not a wise assumption.

Another great point made by Conrad was about consequences of failure. We need to consider which part of the content are critical and base that analysis on the consequences of failure if they are not addressed. Here is a picture that I took of Conrad’s slides on this topic.
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I need to reflect on this and think about it applies to courses

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