Reflection 03/24/14 to 03/28/14

I have decided that I need to get back to working on this throughout the week. It can be a bit difficult to remember everything that I wanted to comment on by the end of the week. So I’m starting on Monday.

This has been a productive day. I was able to populate one of the four EA courses and make the necessary adjustments to move to Blackboard Collaborate. It’s always nice to know that you have things ready for the future. I like how it eases my mind and allows for me to move on from something.

I went to a diversity session on Monday. The speaker talked about a study that she had conducted about stereotypes.

The theme of the day was productivity and completion. I always feel best when this happens, but I know that everyday can’t be like that.

Another theme of the week is diversity. I went to the Outreach Building to learn more about Lithuania and the story of the other dream team.

More accomplishments on Wednesday. Glad to be continually moving forward this week.

I finished up the week on Friday by attending a S.T.A.R.T. Conference held annually by the SMEAL College of Business. The keynote speaker, Ken Bouyer, did an excellent job of explaining the importance of diversity by telling his own story of being a peacock over a penguin. The message is that those of diverse backgrounds are hired to bring their perspective. The is a purpose and function to be yourself.

I enjoyed the next session that I attended by Deborah Wilkins on “Unconscious Bias.” There is a research study done by Harvard that test your bias: When I took the test, I was surprised that I was a bit biased.

The thing I enjoyed the most was the performance of the diversity award winners. The second place winner, Davon Clark, was especially impressive with the recitation of a poem that he wrote.

All in all, this was a good week. I hope for more of the same as we move forward toward the end of the spring semester and the beginning of summer.

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