Reflection for 05/19/14-05/23/14

This was a quick week as it started the new semester.

  • Revisions
    • 210 – nothing since last time
    • 220 – course set on Friday 5/16 for all 4 sections
    • 331- moving forward quickly
      • Checked in with Lauren about workflow (gmail address provided by Amy), & we should be back on track
  • Summer ‘14
    • Smooth start to course opening for Summer ‘14 – Thanks to Ronda & Chris for their work on prepping courses & faculty for Undergrad IST courses!
  • Meetings
    • Schreyer’s – Design Mentor on 5/22: went well
    • May LD Meeting 5/23: nice new direction
    • Meet with Dan Fockler on 5/23: interesting perspective

I’m looking forward to the weekend as I will be running a 5K, spending time with my parents, and spending time outdoors.

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