Reflection 06/16/14 to 06/20/14

Here I am again, writing my reflection on a Friday 🙁 It was a busy week, but I had time on Monday to start the process. Not taking the time to do that has me where I am now. It’s more frustrating than a problem because I know that I am better equipped to deal with my job when I reflect.

Monday was quiet for the most part. We had a staff lunch during which we had a good chance to interact with our student interns.

I received a note from a faculty over the weekend about Adobe Connect. I ended up not coming to a solution, and he went with Camtasia. I would have encouraged the use of a tool like Camtasia to start with. So I was glad that he came to that himself.

On Monday, I confirmed a few meetings with instructors for 402 for both Fall & Spring. I’m hoping that the Spring version helps to cool things down on that front.

On Tuesday, I had a couple of internal meetings that took up some time. I also spent some time with faculty that will be new in Fall ’14. On Tuesday, it was confirmed that WC production still needed to complete a few steps for us to have our ANGEL Fall ’14 sections.

Wednesday was our staff meeting, a meeting with Chris about Fall ’14, and a BB pilot meeting. I found that there was little time to do more than get to meetings. I also received a note from someone interested in a presentation that I did with Stephanie Edel-Malizia. We are set to meet on June 30 to discuss. This is regarding Backwards Design & Bloom’s Taxonomy.

I also tried to get the 331 revision process firm with Lauren & Emily. It definitely got Lauren back on board. Looks like I’ll be doing a bit today & Monday to get my end finished.

In addition, I’m working with Alex (student intern) & Larry on an exam pilot for drupal that helps us to randomize the assessments.

Thursday, Chris G reached out to the 220 faculty about the new version. Seems like the changes are benefiting everyone. There are still a few team issues which is not something to resolved by design.

Also, I traveled to Altoona Area High School to participate in a poverty simulation. It was in preparation for putting together an online simulation for a credit course. I appreciated the experience but would say that the target was empathy, not education. I’m hoping to get a better feel for the project soon.

Last but not least, I am finally finishing the OL Series for Faculty Development.

Today, I’m trying to finish up on a high note. It looks like I’ll have another busy week. So hopefully, I can get moving with reflections earlier in the week.

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