Reflection for 06/23/14 to 06/27/14

It’s been a busy morning, but I’m making a point to start this early in the week.

I met with IT, Ronda, and Bill about the Big Data Analytics course. It was a productive and seemly cordial. I’m glad to see us all moving forward with the professional relationship. Adam stopped down later to make sure that everything was fine. I also had a good talk with Bill after the meeting about the course. I should be seeing the syllabus and course schedule by the end of the week.

I’ve been working with the student interns on 230.

Tuesday was a 331 day. I’d like to say it was fun, but by the end of the day, I was ready to be done with the project. Looks like I’ll need to reach out to the prof to make sure that things are a bit more tight for the Fall ’14 running. I’m also thinking that Chris is going to need to be in the conversation so that he understands how to support things.

Wednesday, I worked with Lee Erickson on 402 SMO. It was a good conversation that may help us to make some upcoming updates. I also finished the work that I was doing on 331 and sent a note to Emily. Looks like I’m making some progress!

Thursday, we saw a show & tell by A & A on elmsln. There was a nice interface that captured info to share with WC production. Met with Amy S to help solidify things for Fall ’14. I also talked to Jim C at WC production about a few things after the meeting. I’m beginning to think about the course that I’m going to teach in Fall ’14. I’m looking forward to teaching & piloting the BB LMS.

Friday, I meant to attend the June Learning Design Meeting, but I ended up not doing it. I received the Certificate for Online Teaching from Faculty Development today. I added this credential to my linkedin account. I had a meeting with the Summer 2 group today. It’s a nice group to touchbase with. I’m also starting to turn my sites towards teaching 230 in the fall. Right now, I only have two enrollments. I’m hoping to at least 15-20 by the opening of the Fall ’14 semester.

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