Reflection for 01/12/15 to 01/16/15

It’s a new semester, and the first day was a bit busy. I spent about 3/4 of my day on mps. I’m not sure if this is because of the culture which has been created before my taking over the support position or because it is mps. Nothing major, but it makes for more craziness than is necessary.

I went late into the evening working on things which mostly turned out to be minor. I ended up working with Rosalie on BB Collaborate and am pleased that the tool is working well for her. I worked at home this am and am keeping up with emails and requests well. I sent out another announcement to the 230 pilot class about the live session.

Tuesday and Wednesday I worked from home in the AM. It is nice to have the flexibility to do this especially since I find myself working at odd hours like Monday evening to accomplish my tasks.

I was able to see the presentation on Tuesday by Andrew Sears. He is a potential dean candidate for the College of IST. I look forward to see the 2nd candidate and seeing how we will move forward at the college.

On Wednesday, we met with Steve Haynes again about IST 140. We are going in a good direction and at an adequate pace to get the course ready for Summer ’15.

On Thursday, we met with Joe Oakes. It was a good conversation. I hope that he can deliver on materials so that we can run his 402 in Summer ’15.

Tonight is the first live session for my IST 230 course for Spring ’15. I review the material and am ready for the meeting.

The meeting went well albeit there were only 2 students present. When I checked the course announcement, the url to the room was missing. That may have been the issue. I went through the course today and replied to the introduction messages. I also noticed that 15 of the 20 students have purchased the text. Hopefully, all is cleaned up by the weekend.

Fred Fonseca held an online faculty luncheon (minus the lunch). Anna Divinsky talked about MOOCs. It was a robust session, but I’m getting the feeling that instructors are not as interested in MOOCs right now. They are alot of work without much return for the faculty.

It was a busy week, and I’m ready for some R&R. Disney is only a week away, so I’m really excited!

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