Reflection for 3/2/15 to 3/6/15

I’m starting this on Friday. I’m looking at my upcoming week. It has less meetings for now. I’m hoping to get to some professional development and get other items completed.

Monday was busy with course revision/development work. Mainly, 402 SMO is being revised and completely gutted. I’m hoping that we can get something done for Fall ’15.

Also, there is work to be done on 140. It is slipping away right now. We have a meeting tomorrow to get things back on track.

Finally, there is 220 course project work to be done. I’m seeing momentum which should continue to propel us forward.

This weekend ended the basketball season. We had another dominant outing which I did my best to make sure was not embarrassing for the other team by pulling my best player. We did well this season because of effort and resilience.

My oldest son had a tryout for 9-year old baseball this weekend. There will be two leagues, one competitive and one developmental. This is the first time this is going to happen. I thought that all 9 year olds were developing…

Tisha and I worked on rubrics for 220 today. We are a project document and part 2 rubric away from being done.

Meeting about 140 that hopefully will get us closer to the goal of being ready for Summer ’15. The meeting was during some bad weather, and it was a bit difficult to get through. The bottom line is that we are freezing on writing content. The push is for Steve to get us zyBook information, problem sets, and quizzes. He will set up the first unit. From there, we will replicate and add the rest of the items.

We received another rubric for 220. Tisha and I will meet to get that rubric completed. From there it will be up to the faculty member to write the problem documents for parts 1 & 2. It looks like the approach that the faculty would like to take is to make 3 different documents for different scenarios. That means that we will need 6 documents for the course.

We received a note about 140. Hopefully, some decisions will be made to keep things moving to the goal of the summer ’15 first run of the course.

I decided this week to deactivate my facebook account like I did during Lent last year. This time, I may just leave it deactivated for the year if not longer. I also decided to bring my juicer into the office since I wasn’t using it at home. I did carrot-apple juice (2 apples/4 carrots, both organic). Prep time is minimal, but it does take some time to clean up. All in all, it seems like the type of thing that I should keep up to improve my overall health.

We had a meeting to discuss Summer ’15 rollout. We had a good meeting. I hope to get things moving forward for the courses that I’m responsible for when I get back in the office next Thursday.


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