Starting Again…

RaviHalfDome.jpgSo I stand on the edge of a new venture or as I would prefer another step in my journey toward finding myself and meaning.  I’ve always been on this path and am still in the midst of it. 

You’ll notice my picture of me right before I ascended Halfdome in Yosemite National Park.  This is one of my favorite pics because it took alot for me to get to the top since I’m afraid of heights.  It reminds me that you’ll never know what you can do unless you try!

So what are you going to find here?  I’m going to try to pull things together.  I’m feeling a bit disorganized and am using this opportunity to develop an eportfolio that will help me to locate and record different objects, ideas, and philosophies that I’m working through.  I’m looking forward to cleaning things up a bit, but I’m also excited about connecting more closely with the learning design community.