Category Archives: Faculty Development

Reflection for 06/23/14 to 06/27/14

It’s been a busy morning, but I’m making a point to start this early in the week.

I met with IT, Ronda, and Bill about the Big Data Analytics course. It was a productive and seemly cordial. I’m glad to see us all moving forward with the professional relationship. Adam stopped down later to make sure that everything was fine. I also had a good talk with Bill after the meeting about the course. I should be seeing the syllabus and course schedule by the end of the week.

I’ve been working with the student interns on 230.

Tuesday was a 331 day. I’d like to say it was fun, but by the end of the day, I was ready to be done with the project. Looks like I’ll need to reach out to the prof to make sure that things are a bit more tight for the Fall ’14 running. I’m also thinking that Chris is going to need to be in the conversation so that he understands how to support things.

Wednesday, I worked with Lee Erickson on 402 SMO. It was a good conversation that may help us to make some upcoming updates. I also finished the work that I was doing on 331 and sent a note to Emily. Looks like I’m making some progress!

Thursday, we saw a show & tell by A & A on elmsln. There was a nice interface that captured info to share with WC production. Met with Amy S to help solidify things for Fall ’14. I also talked to Jim C at WC production about a few things after the meeting. I’m beginning to think about the course that I’m going to teach in Fall ’14. I’m looking forward to teaching & piloting the BB LMS.

Friday, I meant to attend the June Learning Design Meeting, but I ended up not doing it. I received the Certificate for Online Teaching from Faculty Development today. I added this credential to my linkedin account. I had a meeting with the Summer 2 group today. It’s a nice group to touchbase with. I’m also starting to turn my sites towards teaching 230 in the fall. Right now, I only have two enrollments. I’m hoping to at least 15-20 by the opening of the Fall ’14 semester.

Reflection 11/12/12 – 11/16/12


  • Prof Dev
    • Didn’t have time this week to work on MOOC called An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python
    • Attended World Campus Faculty Convocation
      • Nice to have the opportunity to present with Keith Bailey and Jen Berghage about Crumbling the Cookie Cutter. Here is a short blurb about our session:
        • Do you feel like courses offered online are mostly cookie cutter or out-of-the box? Are you having a hard time understanding how to create or implement a course because there are too many restrictions? Are you looking for a solution to having a greater say in your courses? If you have said yes to any or all of these, please attend this session.

          During this session we will discuss a cookie-cutter approach to course design and implementation. We will do demos of courses run through World Campus to see what the possibilities are. We will also look at some scenarios familiar to course implementation teams and discuss how to apply the notion of parameter-based design as a way to have greater say in what is in your courses.

        • My thoughts on the session is that is was nice to use google presentation to collaborate. Eventually, we placed the presentation on Keith’s computer.
        • I thought my part went well because I stressed team and had an instructor demo something that they were doing in the course.
      • Found myself tweeting after a bit of guilting by Melissa Hicks. It’s so easy to do with the phone. Nice to follow all of the conversations.
      • Interesting discussion on MOOC’s
        • With all that has been going on in higher ed, MOOC’s are not the 1st attempt at this. How about the Open University?
  • Fall ’12 Courses
    • IST 240
      • Adjustments needed for Clock Assignment
    • IST 250
      • More edits
  • Fall ’12 revisions/developments
    • IST 230 (Newcomer)
      • Met on Tuesday and Table 7 is mostly done
        • Heard back from Larry but already in production mode
    • IST 420 (Ocker)
        • Have readings for the course & need to get someone to create pdf’s – delegated this to Audrey
    • IST 402 (Saab)
        • I adjusted rubics based upon convo from 11/12
        • I also adjusted the discussion forum code. Not sure what David’s objective is in placing the forums the way he is.
        • Next meeting in 11/19 from 10:30-11:30
  • Course Committees
  • Spring ’13 Course Prep – Mapped out on my outlook calendar courses to work on so that I’m done by the first week in December. Going to be difficult since we have to go 1 section at a time. Plan has been in motion and seems to be working well. I finishe up the population of the sites early in the week. Then I contact the next courses instructors to start other courses.
    • IST 110
      • Sec 001 (Mahar)
        • Contacted on 9/27
        • Will use section 002 to populate
        • Received a note that is causing me to delay
        • Completed setting up my end of the course on 10/1
      • Sec 005 (Mike M) – Cancelled sections 2-4 and made 5-7
        • Contacted 9/27
        • Will use dev section to populate
        • Completed on 10/25 and sent out note to Mike
      • Sec 006 (Mary L)
        • Told about this by Amy S on 9/27
        • Added Mary L on 10/1 to dev section
        • Will use dev section to populate
      • Sec 007 (Jim F)
        • Contacted 9/27
        • Met Jim this week f2f on 10/9 to give him some background
        • Will use dev section to populate
    • IST 111S
      • Sec 001
        • Contacted Deirdre
          • She said to move Fall ’12 materials
          • Need to update category weightings and then grading section of syllabus based upon her feedback (90% done)
    • IST 210
      • Sec 001 (Gary)
        • Contacted on 10/2 about the course
        • Completed setting up the Spring ’13 course space
      • Sec 002 (Fred)
        • Contacted on 10/2 about the course
        • Received note from Amy S that I would be getting this course soon
        • Completed setting up the Spring ’13 course space on 11/8
        • Sent Fred an email
    • IST 220 – Hyunjeong and Mike M are teaching in Spring
      • Secs 001 and 002 (Mike)
        • Contacted on 10/3 about the course
        • Completed setting up both sections for Spring ’13
      • Secs 003 and 004 (Hyunjeong)
        • Contacted on 10/3 about the course
        • Found out from Amy S that the 3rd section is open but I don’t see it on my profile. Alice S put me in the course.
        • Completed setting up section 003 on 11/9 and sent out a note to Dr. Lee
        • Completed setting up section 004 on 11/16 and sent out a note to Dr. Lee
    • IST 230
      • Sec 001
        • Contacted Larry, & he will populate his section
        • Had to merge 2 sections since there had been a change in instructors from 2 to 1.
          • Contacted Larry and Buck
    • IST 240
      • Sec 001 (Fred F)
        • Contacted 9/27
        • Will use dev section to populate
        • Walked Fred through the course in the dev section on 10/1
        • Populated course on 10/1
        • Sent note to both Fred and Hal to follow up
        • Contacted by Fred about adjusting syllabus. Redirected since it sounds like this is an unnecessary comstomization to the syllabus. Agreed by Fred and Hal
      • Sec 002 (Hal S)
        • Contacted 9/27
        • Populated course on 10/17
    • IST 250
      • Sec 001
        • Populated on 10/22
        • Met with John on 11/2 to finalize
          • Realized that grading had to be pulled into the Lessons tab to keep the course flexible
          • Made a note to update the syllabus after Fall ’12 is over to make adjustment to syllabus wording
    • IST 260W
      • Sec 001
        • Sent note to Jason L on 11/2 to let him know that I’d be populating his section on Monday 11/5. He replied immediately to say that he was okay with it.
        • Completed populating the section on 11/2 and sent Jason a note
    • IST 295A
      • Sec 001
        • Populated based upon Spring ’12
        • Sent note to Lisa B on 10/22
    • IST 301
      • Sec 001
    • IST 302
      • Sec 001
        • Populated course with materials from Spring ’12 on 10/16
    • IST 331
      • Sec 001
        • Completed populating the section on 11/6
        • Follow up meeting with instructor for 11/13 at pre-convocation
    • IST 402 TIE-
      • Sec 001
    • IST 421
      • Sec 001
        • Populated course by following plan that John and I worked out last Friday on 10/15
        • Asked by John H to changing naming convention on 11/12. Did a find and replace & notified him
    • IST 440W – Filled up quickly, so opening a second section – correction, instructor is at max pay
      • Sec 001
        • Completed populating the section on 11/7
        • Sent note to Jim
    • IST 495
      • Sec 001
        • Populated the course based upon the Fall ’12 version and notified Madhavi

Ongoing Projects:

    • Updated google spreadsheet for Spring ’13 

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • None

Back Burner:

    • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

Important Dates:

  • WAH in AM (8-12) Dates: 10/15, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17
  • October 15 – December 8 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python MOOC
  • Nov 6 WAH
  • Nov 13-14 World Campus Faculty Convocation
  • Nov 21 Vacation (8h)
  • Nov 22 Holiday (Thanksgiving)
  • Nov 23 Campus Closure Thanksgiving
  • Nov 26 Vacation (8h)
  • Dec 14 Vacation (8h)
  • Dec 20 WAH
  • Dec 21 Vacation (8h)
  • Dec 24 Holiday
  • Dec 25 Holiday
  • Dec 26 Holiday
  • Dec 27 Holiday
  • Dec 28 Holiday
  • Dec 31 Holiday
  • Jan 1 Holiday

Reflection 05/14/12-05/18/12


  • Summer ’12 courses running
    • IST 110
      • consulted about preparations for short screencast for the course as an overview for students
      • The results looked good. Here is an example:
    • IST 210
      • provided IST Helpdesk with adds for the labs on 5/14/12
      • sent in a helpdesk item for vlabs page updated by Adam
      • updated Getting Started Lab in all 3 sections and dev space based upon changes made by Adam
    • IST 220
      • provided IST Helpdesk with adds for the labs on 5/14/12
    • IST 240
      • Answered a few questions about VLABS and the course in general
      • Had to address the need to login twice again. Need to address this since it is a reoccurring problem
      • Talked to Tim L face-to-face about the course and assessment.
        • He appeared interested in rubrics
        • Sent him 2 samples
    • IST 301
      • consulted about how to add audio to ppts
        • 1st suggestion was to add audio to the slide using ppt
        • After consulting with Melissa, also mentioned thought about Voicethread
    • IST 302
      • Answering more questions about the course that have already been answered
    • IST 421
      • Still working to help with intro videos with accessibility in mind
      • Helped John H with student interested in Dreamspark
    • Summer ’12 revisions/developments
      • IST 420 (Ocker)
      • IST 402 (Saab)
        • Will discuss 1st 2 topics in detail on May 14
        • Talked about workflow today
        • He’s thinking of using many tools to accomplish the course
        • Contacted Shannon K about games and real emotions
        • Contacted Amy G about concept mapping
    • Madison proposal
      • Received confirmation that I have been selected to present for the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI in the lightning session format. The session title is “An overview to providing accessible videos using free tools.”
      • Tentatively completed the summary on 4/18
      • Deadlines
        • May 4 – Upload required paper for Conference Proceedings and Resources publication Done 4/20
        • June 4 – Register for the conference (instructions will be sent)
        • July 4 – Upload session handout(s)
    • Here is a reflection on a yammer thread started by Stevie on Games and Education:
    • Fall ’12 Course Prep
      • IST 110
        • Sec 001
        • Sec 002
        • Sec 003
        • Sec 004 Pearson Pilot

      • IST 111S Followed up about which section to import/export from
        • Sec 001
      • IST 210
        • Sec 001
        • Sec 002
      • IST 220
        • Sec 001
        • Sec 002
      • IST 230
        • Sec 001
      • IST 240
        • Sec 001
      • IST 250
        • Sec 001
        • Sec 002
      • IST 260W
        • Sec 001
      • IST 302
        • Sec 001
      • IST 331
        • Sec 001
        • Sec 002
      • IST 402 SMO
        • Sec 001
      • IST 420
        • Sec 001
      • IST 440W
        • Sec 001
        • Sec 002
      • IST 495
        • Sec 001
      • IST 495
        • Sec 001
      • Meet with Kent about what is going on for Fall ’12

    Ongoing Projects:

    • Updating google spreadsheet for Summer ’12 &  Fall ’12 
      • Received several notes from Karen M about info for WC system
    • Created a new end of the semester survey for Spring ’12
    • Thinking about how to point out to places that will be updated from the syllabus
    • Working on Fall ’12 Courses listed above
    • IST 260W content added in drupal
      • I need to check it with the WC offering
        • Began the process but looks like there is a reference to an old textbook in the content

    Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • What tool(s) will we use to make interactive learning objects (smartbuilder, raptivity, etc.)

    Back Burner:

    • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

    Something New I worked on this Week

    • When completing the adds for the IST Helpdesk for 210 and 220, I found the following helpful:
    • Found out that there were issues in embedding youtube videos as discussion forum posts. It has something to do with <iframe>. When using <object> code, it is possible to embed. It is possible to change settings when viewing the embed code to find the <object> related code.
    • Found out how simple it is to wipe out folders in google. It is impossible to move items to folder unless they are in your drive. I moved all of the items from a shared folder to My Drive instead of the folder itself. Moving the items removes them from the folder, but moving the folder to My Drive still keeps items for all to see.

    Days off / Conferences:

    • May 17 – 4 hours vacation in AM
    • May 22 – Game Day
    • May 24 – 4 hours vacation in PM
    • May 25 – 8 hours vacation
    • May 28 – 8 hours holiday
    • June 11 & 12 Web 2012 Conference
    • June 22, 25-29 vacation days
    • July 10 AM Sick time for Dental Appt
    • August 8-10 Madison Conference

Managing and Delivering Online Student Team Based Projects

Managing and Delivering Online Student Team Based Projects

The presenter for this section was Fred Aebli with whom I work on IST 110 and 210. He does a great job of communicating with students using various methods. He made some strong points about he manages virtual teams. One thing that is effective is to make sure that students working in teams create a contract about how they will work together. In that document, Fred has students consider contingencies, like what the team will do if the team composition changes because of additions and subtractions to the team. This real-world situation can help students learn and apply to their professional lives to come.

Reflection 10/31/11-11/04/11


         Continued with IST 111S revision

o   Got a reply from Deirdre and made adjustments to the course based on her feedback

         Checked in with Lisa B about 220 revision. Had Meeting with both Lisa B and John F on Monday from 11-12.

o   Lisa will be contacting the course committee about the direction we should take

o   Based on the direction, she will find a text

o   Looks like she would like to take a theoretical approach

o   John sent out info on vmware and how to do the labs. Lisa plans to test to see if they fit the course goals

         Planning to redo the videos for the solutions to the problems of the week for IST 230 to make sure that no students are in the videos

         Cleaned up IST 250 through lesson 3 and updated to subversion

         Exported/Imported IST 295A for Spring ’12

o   Updated course schedule on the syllabus for Spring ’12 dates and new peer eval links

o   Updated syllabus to subversion

o   Updated instructor info

o   Cleaned up items in the Lessons, Resources, and Communicate tabs

o   Emailed Lisa B to let her know of the changes

         Continued IST 331 revision

o   Received materials from Martin about Lessons 1-3.

o   Made adjustments to bounce off of him before considering the work complete

o   Added some images/photos to lesson 3 to make more visually appealing from

o   Planning to push the tempo of the revision a bit since we are quickly approaching Thanksgiving and the Winter holiday

         Continued with IST 402 revision

o   Rosalie is still working on the course.

o   When completed, plan to meet with David S to get him ready to teach

         Exported/Imported IST 495 for Spring ’12

o   Cleaned up items in the Resources tab

o   Emailed Madhavi to let her know about the course

         Attended Nov 2 @ 11am Virtual Online Meeting for Spring ’12 Online

o   Recording:

o   Highlights for instructors from the meeting:

         Set expectations the first week of class

         Let students know your email turn-around time and if you will be away.

         Plan to provide a weekly summary or preview of the weekly lesson (do this a week in advance)

         Check pre-reqs to ensure your students are prepared for your course.

         Contact Ravi Patel with any issues in IST 110, 111S, 230, 295A, 331, 402 and 495.

         Contact Ravi Patel and John Buckwalter for all other courses.

         If a student is having a technical problem, have them contact the World Campus Help Desk immediately. Don’t try to solve yourself as it may waste valuable time for you and the student.

         Communication, Communication, Communication – please plan to log into ANGEL at least daily if not every other day. and ask students to communicate through the ANGEL tool. If you are not familiar with ANGEL, see tutorials at



Ongoing Projects:

         Working on Spring 2012 courses: IST 111S, IST 230, IST 295A, IST 331, IST 402, IST 495

         Working on Summer 2012 courses: IST 210, IST 220, IST 240, IST 250, IST 260W, IST 295B, IST 301, IST 302, IST 420, IST 421, IST 440W

         Check for flash and video that doesn’t show up from the WC version.

         Adding peer evals in drupal to courses.

         Working on checking courses (content isn’t always there) from WCLD to be placed in Drupal through OIDI task list

         Updating syllabi & content in drupal

         Worked on preparations for SLOAN-C conference presentation, especially elements for the presentation

         Reading the book Understanding by Design: 

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

         Would like to have a better working knowledge of…

o   Kaltura

o   Jaycut

Some things that I learn this week:

         When trying to save an mp4, I had to use Chrome to save them to my computer. In firefox, I was prompted to buy quicktime pro.

         When using Penn State wikis, to make the wiki viewable to anyone, go to Browse->Space Admin->Permissions. At the bottom where it says Anonymous Access, select Edit Permissions and Select All.

Back Burner:

         Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

Days off / Conferences:     

         Conference Nov. 8-11 – SLOAN-C Conference:

         March 24 TLT Symposium – thinking of using this opportunity to practice session for Madison Conference

         Dental Appt scheduled for 2/24/12 (Plan to take half day in the am)

Tons happened this week with me preparing to head off to Sloan in Orlando.

Running is going well. All easy runs this week. Interested in seeing how my body responds to timed runs of 5 and 6 miles the next two weeks.

With the weather going from snow last weekend to warmer temps, spent time outside with the kids soaking it all in.

Had a strange thing happen this week based upon my old teaching job. There was a rumor that I had taken a position at a neighboring school to where I used to work. Looks like it was started by the tech coordinator at my former employer. I’m not innocent here. When I left that job, it was April. I probably would have been more consider to table the offer that I had until I finished the school year. With all of the openings and the explosion of online learning at Penn State, another position would have availed itself. But I was a bit anxious. Also, I blew up once to someone who didn’t deserve it after I left and made it a bit personal. I’m sorry about both moves. I need to apologize, but I’ve been a bit afraid to do it. With that said, this totally frustrates me. Not sure why I’m even a topic of discussion. Especially, since no one attempted to do an exit interview with me. Guess it’s easier to talk about me than to me. I really need to resolve this whole thing.

Jing v. Screenr My observations

This may not be a timely subject for many, but I wanted to say a few words of my own and hope to get some feedback on others’ thoughts.  What sparked these thoughts was the following discussion on facebook:
View image

As a classroom educator I had heard about jing and how it would be a powerful tool for teaching, but I just didn’t find the time to use it.

While teaching OL 2000, Julie Laubach, a fellow instructional designer extraordinaire used jing to clarify how to do a few things in ANGEL.  I was inspired by her use of the tool to get my feet wet, and now I use it constantly with faculty.

While at the Distance Learning conference in Madison, WI this summer, I had another one of those moments.  For awhile, I’ve been wanting to use Screenr since it is supposedly easier to use than Jing.  Instructional Designer, Terence Armentano, from Bowling Green University was showing how he used Screenr to create how-to’s for tasks in Blackboard.  I have meant to get into this, but Julie and Shannon’s discussion got me back on track.

I like Jing because I’ve been using it consistently for over a year.  It is easy to use and gets the message that I need across.  There a few things that I don’t like:

  • I have to change the setting for my display every time I use Jing to a lower resolution so that my captures fit in the screen.  I also have to unplug my second monitor.  This may sound trivial, but it does take time.
  • If I haven’t used Jing for awhile, I have to go to my applications folder and open the application.  Again, this may see small, but it still takes time.
  • I had to download software to my machine.  I personally like browser-based solutions so that I don’t have to worry about upgrades and the like.
  • I need to purchase the pro version to embed the videos I create.

This morning I went into Screenr and was able to overcome all of the issues that I have with Jing.  Here are two examples of practices that I created:

