- Prof Dev
- Reflection on Friere
- Reflection on Illich
- Facilitation of iTech Academy
- Spring ’13 revisions/developments
- IST 220
- 2 notes from Nick G about items that he’d like to see done to improve the course
- One is about a screen cast that shows how to do a screen cap in VHOL
- One is about creating a better survey in ANGEL for team creation
- Received another note from Nick about cloudshark
- The way that he’s thinking of implementing it would erase many of the IT related issues that we currently have
- It would also allow us to focus our efforts on exactly what we want students to learn
- Note from Amy S about doing a revision in 1 semester. I’m going to try to extend this to 2 semesters.
- Met on 5/2 from 11:00-12:00 to discuss
- He would like OIDI to create a virtual Finite State Machine
- He included a powerpoint with examples of what he would like
- Need to assemble a team to get this rolling
- Spoke with Allison and Ranjani about possible participation in this project
- Emailed Marc on 5/31 about getting together to discuss the project
- Meeting planned for 6/5 concerning project
- Alison, Ranjani, and Will are working on the project. Plan to meet in a week or so
- Ranjani sent a prototype for Marc to view on 6/26
- 2 notes from Nick G about items that he’d like to see done to improve the course
- IST 230 (Newcomer)
- The truth tables are completed
- Feedback from Kent about video on the page (& in the rest of the course)
- Would be nice to point students more clearly on where to start the tables – Done
- Can make the video accessible by ios devices. Here is an evernote on how.
- Feedback from Kent about video on the page (& in the rest of the course)
- Email sent to Larry on 4/9
- Reply from Toni D; positive about the final product
- Amy G pointed me to some resources that were available from the past.
- I plan to take a closer look and share with Larry for possible inclusion in later semesters
- Note from Larry on 5/9 that there is something that needs to be fixed
- Emailed Greg for help
- This should have been done earlier but it’s another reason we need professional ed tech
- Texted Greg on 5/31 and worked with Ranjani to fix the issue
- Eric is starting work on making videos accessible by mobile on 7/1
- The truth tables are completed
- IST 240 (Fonseca)
- Talked to Lisa and she was going to touchbase with Mary Beth about reforming committee
- Meeting on 5/1 about the course with Fred rescheduled for 5/8 b/c of grading needs
- Meeting again rescheduled for 5/15 b/c of being behind
- Received note on 5/20 that Fred could make meeting this week, so I shared my feelings about the project getting behind.
- He sent me materials and nice note.
- Moved Hal’s materials into an Archive folder in the dev section and deleted gradebook
- Updated the course and made a few more adjustments based upon the file sent and a google+ hangout session on 5/23 & 24
- Received an email on 5/29 that Fred changed his mind and is revamping the course
- Looked more closely over the edits and plan to make adjustements next week when I have time
- Fred sent me materials up through Lesson 11 over the weekend
- Plan to work with Ranjani on setting up the course
- Meeting planned for 6/24 on google hangout from 1:30-2:30
- Able to determine a few items for the course. Here are my notes:
- When: Jun 24, 2013 1:30:00 PM
Where: Google hangout
Proposed AgendaSyllabus
- I did a bit of rewriting to firm up the syllabus and fit other items into the standard template
- See Course Objectives
- See Materials
- See Tech Specs
- See Grading & Assignments
- Can’t find Sams text about Java in Safari Books. – found under java development
- Should we be asking students to purchase this?
- Or should we move to a different text.
Final Project
- Reworked Project Overview
- Added Evaluation to Rubric in ANGEL to connect to dropbox
Lesson 00 contents
- Need criteria for survey – file sent
Lesson 01 contents
- Talk about basic flow for the lesson – put content on drupal, the order should b
- Content
- Labs
- Assignment
- When: Jun 24, 2013 1:30:00 PM
- Able to determine a few items for the course. Here are my notes:
- On 6/25, began to move things into drupal and could see that there is a ton to process
- Help from Amy G to think about how to leverage student help
- Put place holders in ANGEL with materials from Fred
- On 6/25 & 26 able to get materials into drupal for Lessons 1 & 2. Plan to add one per day until it is all in
- On 6/27 able to get materials into drupal for Lesson 3.
- On 6/28 finished Lesson 4 and Allison did Lesson 5, 6, & 8. Will finished up Lesson 9 and updated content to formatted.
- Also, Will and I worked on making the self assessments open upon submission in ANGEL. Need to send a ticket to ANGEL Support next week about this.
- IST 250 (Bixler)
- Met with Brett on 1/30 to discuss adjustments
- Mostly items that Brett will fix
- He will send me changes to the curriculum as Word docs for me to update
- Sent Brett a meeting request for Wed. 7/24 from 1:30-2:30
- Met with Brett on 1/30 to discuss adjustments
- IST 302 (Clark)
- Sent note to Shawn about new text
- He replied that if the book changed significantly we would have to do a revision
- I sent a reply back to let him know that it didn’t change much and to see if he needed a copy
- He said yes, and I sent a request to Kathy W on 4/8
- Checked in with Amy S about the possibility of revision
- I don’t think it’s necessary
- Talked briefly with Shawn on 5/21 that I didn’t think the course needed a revision
- Received the book and clarified with James C on 5/31 that we were going with the 7th edition
- Jan said that she planned to add quizzes to the course
- He replied that if the book changed significantly we would have to do a revision
- Sent note to Shawn about new text
- IST 402 (Jansen)
- Meeting set up by Amy S for 6/12 to discuss new topic around Jim Jansen’s f2f 402 “The Google Online Marketing Challenge”
- Sounds like a good idea from several perspectives:
- student engagement via competition
- marketing to students in other majors for minor
- Few possible obstacles
- Not enough students from other majors with complementary skills
- Large need for synchronous meetings
- Large time commitment
- Email sent on 6/12 to Jim to set up meeting for June 24-28
- Meeting planned for June 24 from 3-4
- Looks like lots of captivates
- Need to put together a process to share with him to make this streamlined
- Need to have a drupal space created
- He probably won’t be able to get me product until August 1
- Meeting planned for June 24 from 3-4
- Put in request to IST Helpdesk to create ist402gomc site for Jansen’s course
- received notification on 6/26 that this was done
- sent a footprints request to set up the site on 6/27 to Ranjani and Will
- Need to have template overlayed on the course
- Summer ’13 Courses
- IST 210
- Sec 002 (Fred)
- Fred sent out a note about something that needed to be updated & Gary mentioned that he’d fix it for next semester
- Sec 002 (Fred)
- IST 230
- Sec 001 (Larry)
- No time to grade or call Larry this week b/c of iTech Academy
- Sec 001 (Larry)
- IST 301
- Sec 001 (Ocker)
- Request to looking into why voicethread wasn’t displaying
- Sent a reply of how to fix this and made the following video:
- Sec 001 (Ocker)
- Fall ’13 Courses
- IST 110
- Sec 001 (Garbrick)
- Ok from Amy G to copy last version into the space
- Export/Import done on 6/4
- Let Amy that it was done and ready for her to set up
- Sec 002 (M. Lipton)
- Checked in about copying in last version of the course into her space on 5/31
- Reply on 6/1 that it was okay
- Finally got to uploading on 6/12 and emailed Mary
- Checked in about copying in last version of the course into her space on 5/31
- Sec 001 (Garbrick)
- IST 111S
- Sec 001 (Deirdre)
- Emailed Deirdre on 6/12 about populating her space
- Received note on 6/17 that she needs to make a few adjustments before this should be done
- I replied that I would bring the course over on July 1 if I hadn’t heard anything
- Set up the section & sent email to Deirdre on July 1
- Sec 001 (Deirdre)
- IST 210
- Sec 001 (Gary)
- Started on 6/13 after consultation
- Finished & ready for Fall ’13
- Started on 6/13 after consultation
- Sec 002 (Liz)
- Started on 6/13 after consultation
- Finished & ready for Fall ’13
- Started on 6/13 after consultation
- Sec 001 (Gary)
- IST 260W
- Sec 001 (Long)
- Note from Amy S on 6/26 that the section is filled and adding Wilson for section 002
- Sent out note on 6/26 about populating section next Monday
- Note from Amy S on 6/26 that the section is filled and adding Wilson for section 002
- Sec 002 (Wilson)
- Sent out note on 6/26 about populating section next Monday
- Sec 001 (Long)
- IST 301
- Sec 001 (Jan)
- Sent email on 6/26 letting her know that I populated section from Spring ’13 into her Fall ’13 section
- Completed the course set up on 7/1
- Sec 001 (Jan)
- IST 302
- Sec 001 (Jan)
- Started on 6/13 because she would like to add exams for each lesson
- My part is done
- Started on 6/13 because she would like to add exams for each lesson
- Sec 001 (Jan)
- IST 331
- Sec 001 (Wenk)
- Set up the course on 6/17 based upon sp13 version upon Bill’s request
- Talked to Emily on 6/18 via google+ hangout about the course
- Plan is to have a 3-way conversation with Bill about how best to set the course up for her in Fall
- Sec 001 (Wenk)
- IST 402
- Sec 001 (Jansen)
- Received a note that he wants the section populated
- Didn’t find this on my profile, so asked him to add me if he sees it on his
- They added Melissa instead of me, so Jim added me.
- Set up the section and sent him an email on 6/5
- Sec 001 (Jansen)
Ongoing Projects:
- Updated google spreadsheet for Fall ’13 google schreadsheet
Immediate Decisions / Issues:
- Need LMS that better integrates and includes tools that we use in our classes.
Important Dates:
- July 2 Sick Day – Family 4h, Self 4h
- July 4 Holiday
- July 5 Vacation Day – 8h
- July 11 Vacation Day – 8h
- July 12 Vacation Day – 8h
- August 19 Vacation Day – 8h
- August 20 Vacation Day – 8h