Tag Archives: problem solving

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in an Adult Learning Environment

Presenters: Paul Banach, law enforcement training specialist, Penn State University and Robert Stonis, associate director, Penn State Justice and Safety Institute

A member of the audience mentioned that adult learners shouldn’t have to take the prerequisites because they don’t need them.  I don’t agree.  I think that we all need to keep learning.  I feel that we need to change our thinking on this.  We need to take a life-long learning perspective.

We as an audience had a problem: 

Given: 2 plates, 2 paper clips, 2 Styrofoam cups, 1 straw, 2 toothpicks, and 3 rubber bands
Objective: To make something that moves

We had a pathetic attempt.


  • Teamwork
  • Fun
  • Sharing perspectives

Why did they go with PBL?
Students weren’t learning with an approach that is more direct.  When students solve a problem, they understand how to handle real-life situations? 

What is PBL?

  • Ill-Structured
  • Real Life Significance
  • Student-Led
  • Instructor-facilitated
  • Community focused

The process is to start with a problem.  To this, we add known facts to solve the learning issue.  After this the group needs to make an action plan.

I like this approach, but I wonder if it is replicable.  It’s almost as if you can’t standardize the course.  So if the course is about problem solving, then it is the right approach.  But if we use it is a standard course we may lose the course purpose.

Paul mentioned that an important part of the learning is a journal.  I like the idea of students reflecting on their learning.  But it is also evaluated and addressed.

Paul also mentioned how creating learning objectives is so important.  Then creation of the ill-structured problems is also really important.  Understanding what students know helps to facilitate the course as well.

Reflection: It seems like this is something that needs to happen by course creation by committee.

Great session!  Very engaging!


Problem Solving

I had an interesting discussion today about the topic of Problem Solving and what is most effective.  There are several points that we made during the discussion that I wanted to note.  First, solving problems requires clarity of thought.  I find personally that I don’t have clarity when I am too busy.  Some of the best problem solvers that I have ever known were the type of person who didn’t flood their lives with business.  Their minds were open and able to go in different directions when a problem confronted them.  The next point revolved around the environment that is necessary to solve problems.  Some people like to have alone time while others need input from others.  Let us know what you think by answering the poll and adding your comments. What is the best way for you to solve problems?online surveys