Promoting an Equitable and Just Linguistics

Title: Promoting an Equitable and Just Linguistics through Scholarly Publishing and Editorial Practices

Instructor: Ethan Kutlu, University of Iowa, and Rachel Hayes-Harb, University of Utah

Date: October 20, 2023

Time: 2pm-5pm (EST)


Scholarly publishing is a central and essential part of many academic careers. However, much of the process of scholarly publishing happens beyond the scrutiny of and without input from major stakeholders, the most important of whom are the authors, the readers, and the communities impacted by the research. We will discuss the vast power that is granted to editorial teams and how we hope it can be leveraged to effect positive change in scholarly publishing, with an emphasis on the complexities of pursuing equity and justice work from “within” a system that has historically sustained inequality and injustice. Topics will include the composition of editorial teams, editors’ and authors’ positionality, the peer review process, the labor involved, and, the (in)accessibility of journal policies and submission platforms. Our hope is that in problematizing current scholarly publishing and editorial practices, and exploring new directions, we can contribute to a more equitable and just linguistics.

Supplementary materials: