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Research on Resilience in Education

On this page, you’ll find a collection of resources and research relative to resilience in higher education.


Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University

The Child Study Center at NYU

The Penn Positive Psychology Center Resilience Research

The Penn Resilience Program for College Students

Penn State’s Edna Bennet Pierce Prevention Research Center  – Improving Classroom Learning Environments by Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE) 

The Center for Resilience Advisory LLC resources for college students


Clauss-Ehlers, C. S. & Wibrowski, C. R. (2007). Building Educational Resilience and Social Support: The Effects of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program Among First- and Second-Generation College Students. Journal of College Student Development 48(5), 574-584. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved August 29, 2017, from Project MUSE database. DOI:

Galatzer-Levy, I. R., Burton, C. L., & Bonanno, G. A. (2012). Coping flexibility, potentially traumatic life events, and resilience: A prospective study of college student adjustment. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 31(6), 542-567.

Heller, Monica & Cassady, Jerrell. (2015). Predicting Community College and University Student Success: A Test of the Triadic Reciprocal Model for Two Populations. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. 18. DOI: 10.1177/1521025115611130.

Klibert, J., Lamis, D. A., Collins, W., Smalley, K. B., Warren, J. C., Yancey, C. T. and Winterowd, C. (2014), Resilience Mediates the Relations Between Perfectionism and College Student Distress. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92: 75–82. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00132.x

Li, M.-h. and Yang, Y. (2016), A Cross-Cultural Study on a Resilience–Stress Path Model for College Students. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94: 319–332. doi:10.1002/jcad.12088

Martin  M.  Chemers,  Li-tze  Hu,  and  Ben  F.  Garcia. (2001) Academic  Self-Efficacy  and First-Year  College  Student Performance  and  Adjustment University  of California,  Santa  Cruz  Journal  of Educational  Psychology. Vol. 93, No.  1, 55-64. DOI:  10.1037//0022-0663.93.1.55

Morales, E. E. (2014)Learning from Success: How Original Research on Academic Resilience Informs what College Faculty Can do to Increase the Retention of Low Socioeconomic Status Students . International Journal of Higher Education. 3(3). URL:

Rogers H. Mindfulness Meditation for Increasing Resilience in College Students. Psychiatry  Annals. 2013; 43: 545-548. doi: 10.3928/00485713-20131206-06 [link]

Shatkin, J. P. , Diamond, U., Zhao, Y., DiMeglio, J., Chodaczek, M., & Bruzzese, J. (2016). Effects of a Risk and Resilience Course on Stress, Coping Skills, and Cognitive Strategies in College Students. Teaching of Psychology, Vol. 43(3) 204-210. DOI: 10.1177/0098628316649457

Smeets, E., Neff, K., Alberts, H., & Peters, M. (2014). Meeting suffering with kindness: Effects of a brief self‐compassion intervention for female college students. Journal of clinical psychology70(9), 794-807.

Ward-Penny, R., Johnston-Wilder, S., & Lee, C. (2011). Exit interviews: Undergraduates who leave mathematics behind. For the Learning of Mathematics, 31(2), 21-26. Retrieved from

See also a bibliography from the Bounce Back Facilitator’s Manual at San Diego State University.

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