Drum Roll, Please – A Customized Drum Kit (Duke University)


Dilip Nagarkar, Swetha Sundar, Chao Yin, Cristina Wong-Nomura (Duke University)


The goal of this project is to make modifications to an existing drum kit so that our client, a young boy whose TAR syndrome causes him to have short arms with limited strength and reach, can pursue his love of music by learning to play the drums. Various components of a standard drum kit were modified to make his playing experience more comfortable; the drumsticks are customized for his hands, a cymbal damper rests on the ride cymbal stand, the seat is contoured and padded for stability, the tom drums are extended and the toms’ weight is balanced by the additional leg on the bass drum. These changes allow the client to use all the components of the drum kit and play without causing himself any pain or discomfort, while maintaining his independence.



Our client is a twelve year old boy who loves music and wants to learn to play the drums. He has Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius (TAR) syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes congenital bone deformities and reduces blood platelet count [1]. The radius bone is absent in the forearm, the ulnae is often shortened or deformed and occasionally, the long bones are absent in the arm [2]. Patients have thumbs of relatively normal size and shape, but their function is typically impaired [3].

Playing a standard drum kit poses several difficulties for the client, particularly relating to his comfort and range of motion. Due to his limited reach, he tires more rapidly and has difficulty stopping the cymbals once they are crashed. He leans down when striking the snare drum and the floor tom, which causes back pain over time. The position and elevation of the toms and the cymbal require him to bend over and stand slightly to adequately reach these components. The client has to put in additional energy to hold the drumsticks due to their smoothness and lack of grip.


The goal of this project is to modify a drum kit so our client can play the drums comfortably.


We initially met with our client and his family to better understand his physical limitations and what he wanted in the drum kit. Previously, he had to lean forward and strain his body to be able to reach various components of the drum kit. We wanted to make playing the drums ergonomic so he would be comfortable. We purchased a used drum kit through Craigslist and drumsticks from Guitar Center. Each component of the drum kit will be discussed separately below:

Drumsticks – We wanted to extend the drumsticks so the client could better reach the drum kit. Our first prototype was constructed by cutting a drumstick in half, tapping holes in both halves and inserting a long bolt to connect the two pieces (Photo 11).  The lack of volume in the center of the drumstick made it feel bouncy. The client noted that the bolt in the center made this drumstick heavier. An alternative we considered was making drumsticks from scratch using the lathe. However, we concluded that getting the shape to mimic a standard drumstick may be difficult with an unfamiliar machine. Our goal with the second prototype was to keep the material uniform to improve sound quality and keep it light. Both of these objectives were satisfied by using a portion of a second drumstick and inserting it into a sawed drumstick using dowels (Photo 12).  We added athletic tape to give our client a better grip. Alternatively, we considered purchasing StickGripps, a commercially available custom drumstick grip, but determined athletic tape to be a cheaper, yet equal quality alternative.

Image shows drumstick extended using exposed bolt in between.
Photo 11: First Customized Drumstick Prototype
Image shows three pieces of extended drumstick separated. Dowels are inserted in left ends of two rightmost pieces.

Photo 12: Dowels in Second Drumstick Prototype



During our next client testing, we noticed that the prototype worked well for the client’s right hand, but his left hand had more trouble holding the stick in an upward direction, despite the athletic tape grip. In our next prototype for the left hand drumstick, we used a bouncy ball (recommended and provided by the client’s mother) as a grip (Photo 14). The client also found the diameter too large to fit between his fingers on his left hand, so a portion of the drumstick was reduced in radius using the lathe. This notch gave the client something to “latch onto”. After testing with our completed tom extensions, the client did not need the left hand drumstick to be extended, so we kept the original length.

Image shows drumstick with bouncy ball for grip.

Photo 14: Grip Enhanced Drumstick

The final design of the drumstick incorporated the second prototype, the extended drumstick with athletic tape, for his right hand and the third prototype, the enhanced bouncy ball grip, for his left hand.

Seat – The drum kit we purchased came with a seat, but our client found it small and unstable. The client liked a saddle shaped and padded chair at Guitar Center. Purchasing this seat was out of our budget so we decided to build the seat. The seat base is removable from the stand by unscrewing a mount on the underside. We built our own seat base and attached it to the stand using the manufacturer’s mount. Our first prototype used a saddle-shaped piece of scrap wood (Photo 15) that was upholstered using a mattress pad. This chair was too small and the contours were hidden by the thick cushioning. Our final seat design was larger and had exaggerated contours. In addition to the foam and mattress pad material (Photo 16), we upholstered this with velvet material and attached it all to the stand using the mount (Photo 17).

Image shows wood cut into saddle shape with contours on outsides, near where legs would go.

Photo 15: Saddle Shaped Seat Base

Image shows wood seat base resting on table. On top is black thicker foam and above that is mattress foam pad.

Photo 16: Foam Layered On Seat Base

Image shows final ergonomic chair. Top is upholstered with velvet and the legs are from the original seat’s stand.

Photo 17: Final Ergonomic Chair Design

Cymbal Damper – Usually, drummers dampen the cymbal with their fingers, but as this posed a challenge to our client, we designed a cymbal damper that operated as a lever. One alternative we considered was adding a “damping branch” to the drumstick, but we decided that would make drumming more difficult. A first prototype was assembled using materials found in the lab (Photo 18). We used the perforated metal bars so we could adjust the length and angle of the lever arm. For the next prototype, we used aluminum for the center block rather than wood and plastic covered with foam for the strike pad. The crook of the lever arm was formed by bolting two pieces of aluminum together (Photo 19) and after testing, we discovered that this loosened after some use. For the final design, we welded the angle in the lever arm so it would be a more effective damper (Photo 20).

Image shows the first prototype of the cymbal damper. The wood block is mounted on the cymbal stand and two metal arms are attached with a bolt. The strike pad is shown, but there is no foam on it.

Photo 18: First Cymbal Damper Prototype

Image shows second cymbal damper prototype. Aluminum block forms the base and lever arms are made with aluminum as well.

Photo 19: Second Cymbal Damper Prototype

Image shows finished and painted cymbal damper.

Photo 20: Final Cymbal Damper Design

Heel Activated Foot Pedal – Projects designed for our client in the past customized left pedals to be heel-activated.  We therefore decided to switch the toe-activated bass drum pedal to a heel activated pedal (Photo 1). We decided to reverse the pedal chain so when the heel pushed down on the pedal, the mallet hit forward (Photo 2). We lathed metallic extension piece to the central rotating rod of the pedal so the mallet could be attached on to the side and away from the foot (Photo 3). During testing, our client reported discomfort with the pedal. So we ran several pedal orientation tests and concluded that the original toe activated pedal was more comfortable for the client.

Image shows the bass drum pedal in the regular configuration found in a basic drum kit. The pedal is attached to a pedal chain wrapped around a gear. Activating the pedal turns this gear. The gear and a mallet are on the same rotating central rod, so pedal activation also causes mallet to swing forward to strike the bass drum.

Photo 1: Regular Bass Drum Pedal Configuration

Image shows the bass drum pedal modified to a heel-activated configuration. The mallet is placed to the side of the pedal and not in front of it. The gear that the pedal chain is resting on has been reversed so that a heel activation would cause the rotating rod to spin backwards, thus causing the mallet to hit a bass drum placed in front of the toes of the player.

Photo 2: Heel -Activated Bass Pedal Configuration

Image shows a metal extension added on the end of the central rod. This has been screwed onto the end of the rod such that it will rotate with the central rod rotation. The mallet fits on the extension with a support screw such that the mallet rotates with the rod during pedal activation.

Photo 3: Central Rod Extension for Heel- Activated Pedal

Tom Extensions – We wanted to bring the toms close to the client. We did not have a metallic piece that both fit over the original tom connector from the bass drum and also fit inside the attachment to the tom drum, so we designed a telescoping tom extension mechanism where a crutch tube which is lined with holes drilled through the tube, was placed over and bolted to the original tom connector on the bass drum. A PVC pipe which fit into both the crutch tube and the tom attachment was then placed inside and bolted to the crutch tube and attached to the tom on the other side (Photo 4). Since the PVC pipe, crutch tube and tom connector did not fit together perfectly; the telescoping tubes would move and rotate, reducing the stability of the tom extensions. This was overcome when we found tube connectors at the hardware store that fit snugly over and connected the tom connector from the bass drum with aluminum tubes we bought to fit in the toms. This connection was bolted together for further stability (Photo 5). Since the toms now extended out with a larger moment arm, we added support bars under the toms extensions so that all the load did not go on the bass drum-tom connector joint (Photo 6).

Image shows the tom extension mechanism using two crutch tubes. The original tom connectors fit into the bottom end of each crutch tube and a PVC pipe is placed through the top end, thus creating a telescoping mechanism. The PVC pipe and original tom connectors have holes drilled through them so that the crutch tube can be bolted over the PVC and tom connectors.

Photo 4: Tom Extension Prototype Using Crutch Tubes

Image shows the original tom connectors connected to metal tube extensions as joined by copper tube connectors. Bolts are put through the tube connectors, extension tubes, and tom connectors to strengthen the junction. Support tubes are also added that are bolted to the extension tube and then attached below to support screws on the bass. These supports reduce some of the stress on the joint at the tom connector that connects the bass drums to tom extensions.

Photo 5: Tom Extensions Using Tube Connectors

Image shows the finished and painted tom extension mechanism. The tom extension tubes are connected to the original tom connectors with tube connectors and bolts. Support tubes are bolted to the extension tube and the top and snugly sit over the bass drum support screws on the bottom due to a groove drilled in the bottom end of support tubes.

Photo 6: Finished Tom Extension Mechanism

Third Bass Drum Leg – Adding the tom extensions increased the torque of the system, so a third bass drum leg was created to prevent the drum from tipping. Our prototype secured a metal strip under the bass drum support screws at the bottom of the drum. We bolted a metal rod or leg to a hinge and then bolted this metal hinge to the strip secured under the bass drum (Photo 7). This leg worked well, but it was not adjustable. We then designed an adjustable stopper that screws into the bottom portion of the leg (Photo 8).  We also added a Velcro strap that allows the leg to be stowed against the drum and out of the way when not needed (Photo 9).  The leg works effectively as an added support (Photo 10).

Image shows third base drum leg prototype. A metal rod or leg is bolted to a metal hinge whose other side is then bolted to a metal strip. This strip is secured against the bottom of the bass drum by the support screws on the bottom of the bass. This completes the attachment of the leg to the bass.

Photo 7: Third Bass Drum Leg Prototype

Image shows the final version of the third bass drum leg mechanism, before attachment to the bass drum. The leg has a screwable metal foot that can screw further into or out of the leg allowing for adjustable leg length. The leg is bolted to a hinge that is bolted also to a metal strip. This metal strip is to be secured against the bottom of the base drum.

Photo 8: Adjustable Length Screw Leg

This image shows the third leg secured flat against the bottom of the base drum by a Velcro strap. The third leg is bolted to a hinge that is bolted to a metal strip that is secured against the bottom of the base drum by the base drum support screws.

Photo 9: Leg Stowing Mechanism

Image shows third leg activated below the bass drum. The leg is clearly in contact with the floor like the other legs and taking part of the load.

Photo 10: Activated Third Leg


The ergonomics of our design were crucial to its success. Therefore, client testing was imperative, as the feedback was essential. In addition to component tests, we left the drum kit at the client’s home for over a week as a test run. We have also evaluated our design based on theory, using basic principles of mechanics. Please see “Quantitative Analysis” for further details.



The modified drum kit features ergonomic design and provides a comfortable drum playing experience for the client. The distance between the client and components of drum set is minimized by the presence of the tom extensions. The cymbal damper’s lever mechanism allows the user to control components further away from a distance so he can avoid leaning his body forwards. The drumsticks provide optimum grip and take advantage of the client’s varying hand strengths.

The primary limitation of this device is also its main advantage, which is its heavy customization. All the components of the drum kit are modified with a single client in mind. If these parts are used with a different client, the same sort of ergonomic advantage will not be seen. The marketability of this device remains low because a customized device cannot be mass produced. Patients with TAR syndrome have varying physical capabilities and limitations so designing a universal drum kit is not plausible.



  1. 1. Bonsi et al. 2009
  2. 2. Hall et al. 1969 
  3. 3. Goldfarb et all, 2007



This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BES-0610534. We would like to thank our professor, Dr. Larry Bohs, for his assistance and support, Steve Earp for his help in machining, Veronica Rotemberg for assistance in design and our clients for providing us with terrific feedback and for providing us support throughout this semester long design process.

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