Ingrid Guadalupe Rodríguez León, Alejandra Bustamante, Georgina Carballo
Peripheral facial paralysis (PFP) is one of the most common mononeuropathy [3]. Also, another common neuromuscular affection are the ones related with the hand caused for trauma or injured nerves and tendons [5]. These neuromuscular diseases are the main pathophysiology treated in the integral rehabilitation (DIF) center in Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico). DIF center is an institution that provides physical rehabilitation to people with economic difficulties. The identification and treatment of this diseases requires the knowledge of rehabilitation specialist and the correct functional and specific electrophysiological diagnosis based on specific equipment that sometimes is expensive for this kind of institutions. [6]. In order to increase access to rehabilitation of people with PFP and muscular hand affections, we developed a system of neuromuscular evaluation REHAB for all, that provides measurement and visual and sensory feedback in, as well as storage of the data obtained from the electromyography signal. The intention of this system is that the patient can take their therapy routines home and once you return to the center the specialist can analyze data and assess the patient’s progress. The project consist in the design of a graphic interface in which the patients can visualize their muscular activity; and the data is storage in a data base so the therapist can have access to the information of the patient recovery. In order to achieve visual and sensatory feedback, we create a mobile application so the patient can make the rehabilitation routine by “playing a game.”