A light weight, wireless, wearable module for DMD monitoring

DMD4DMD: Dystrophy Monitoring Device for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (VIT University Chennai Campus)

A light weight, wireless, wearable module for DMD monitoringShreyas Rao, Shraddha Agrawal , Prithvish Vijay

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is one of the rare diseases for which there has been no cure till date. This disease affects 1 in 3500 male children and the life expectancy of the patient is about 15-20 years. Our device, DMD4DMD, helps practitioners and researchers monitor and analyze the progressiveness of disease. The design aims at minimizing the hardware such that the device is light in weight, wireless and wearable.  One of the main significance of this device is to create a global repository where any physician around the globe can access data and analyze the condition of patients.  Our device expands the area of research of a rare disease whose symptoms are hard to diagnose at early stage.

DMD4DMD Design Brief

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