Zoe Frisko, Melody Probert, Jack Latham & Amanda Yannarella
75 million people worldwide require wheelchairs with over 124,000 American users under 21. Powerchairs provide mobility for children with mobility impairments as young as 18 months. However, the powerchair training sessions required to gain insurance approval for a personal chair are limited by a lack of powerchair availability in rehabilitation centers. With Dr. Keenan at CHOP, engineering students are designing an adjustable seat for a powered chair where one chair can be used for patients of multiple sizes by adjusting the seat. With input from multiple specialists, the team has developed an adjustable frame compatible with adult-sized chairs but capable of fitting patients aged 2-18. The seat’s size changes to the correct size by adjusting hand brakes and sliding components. This solution allows more people to receive the insurance approval that covers the cost of a personal powerchair due to increased size availability.