Thomas C. Bulea and Ronald J. Triolo (Case Western Reserve University) Designed and experimentally validated a pneumatic lift assist walker for individuals with limited mobility from spinal cord injury
Archive | Wheeled Mobility Technologies
Achieving Mobility (Calvin College)
Dan Evans, Matt Last, Matt Rozema, and Rob VanderVennen (Calvin College) designed and built a highly customized electric stroller for a 10-year-old boy who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
ERC-Controller: an Education, Research and Clinical Platform for Wheeled Mobility (University of Pittsburgh)
Hongwu Wang, Candiotti Jorge Luis, Elaine Houston, Chengshiu Chung (University of Pittsburgh) designed a wheeled mobility device controller that could be used for education, research and clinical evaluation.
All Terrain Power Chair [ATPC] – (South Dakota State University)
The All Terrain Power Chair (ATPC) will substitute the traditional wheelchair wheels with a track design, to increase stability and traction on all terrains.
Advanced Powered Wheelchair Systems
Nathan Armstrong, Matt Carlson, Nathan Ip, Sunho Baik, Kenneth Roggow, Fred Tsai, Jared Van Dam (University of Wisconsin-Madison) investigated and designed alternative solutions for powered wheelchair systems.
Motorized Headrest for People with Neck Muscle Weakness
Graeham Douglas, Enrico Guld, Mark Hewett, and Fraser Macdonald (The University of British Columbia), designed a motorized, user-controlled headrest for people with ALS or similar conditions causing neck weakness.
Patient Transport Device for Township Areas of Cape Town, South Africa
Bryan Stenson (Northwestern University) developed an effective and comfortable way to transport immobilized patients to clinics over rough terrain in townships and rural areas of South Africa.