Coping with Burnout

If you consistently experience high levels of stress without taking steps to manage it, exhaustion eventually takes over – leaving you emotionally and physically burned out. Towards the end of the semester, especially as the weather becomes colder, many students experience burnout. If you are experiencing burnout, there are many strategies you can use to help you cope and recover. 



Because lack of self-care is one of the most significant contributors to burnout, it is important for those trying to recover from burnout to intentionally make time for self-care. Prioritize getting adequate amounts of sleep, eating well, and exercising. If you feel that you do not have enough time or are too exhausted for self-care, you can start with just 10 minutes a day. Even just going to sleep 10 minutes earlier than the night before or going on a 10 minute walk can really help you cope with the exhaustion that comes with burnout. 


Ask for Help

Let those close to you know that you are burned out and exhausted, and do not be afraid to ask them for help. Asking for help with studying, errands, or meals can be extremely helpful, and it can allow you to save some of your energy and give you more time to recharge. 


Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries means not overextending yourself. When you are not in class or doing schoolwork, try not to think about school. When you are not working, leave your work behind. Make sure to set aside time during the day to rest, even if you can only squeeze in 15 minutes. 


Practice Self Compassion

Those who experience burnout might also experience feelings of failure and a loss of purpose or life direction. Grant yourself the same love and support that you would give to a loved one in this situation. Remind yourself that it is okay to take a break and that you do not have to be perfect. 

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