PAS 7: Melodies from Mind of Mine, a Review– lUcOzAdE

As my favorite song of all time, lUcOzAdE is the best way to end off this blog and year of RCL.

As an adamant ZAYN ‘stan’, I have followed the singer’s career from his X Factor days to his solo career by religiously streaming his music and consistently having him as my #1 artist on my Spotify Wrapped year after year. Because of my passionate dedication to him, my passion blog will be a review of some of my favorite songs from ZAYN’s debut album, Mind of Mine. In my seventh and final (*tears*) blog, I will be reviewing lUcoZadE, which is inarguably, the greatest song that has ever been listened to by my ears.

Lucozade is a U.K. brand that makes sports drinks, like Gatorade. The song is cleverly titled as the drink because ZAYN sings about being hungover, drunk and faded as he pieces together his emotions about a girl. ZAYN mentioned in commentary that the song is very unedited and sloppy, which seems purposeful with the theme of the song reflecting the state of being hungover. Because of the “sloppiness” of the song, ZAYN not only delves into a storyline about his confusing relationship with a girl, but he also reflects on his time with One Direction, as he has already done in other songs on the album.

“Ain’t about who’s winnin’ or losin’

It’s ’bout the path you’re choosin'”

Here, ZAYN is responding to the backlash he received after leaving One Direction, with many people being in disagreement whether him leaving would help or harm his career. ZAYN says that it isn’t about him failing or succeeding, he just wishes to choose his own path.

“No lies in my eyes, nothing but truth will leave my mouth

I’m tryna fuckin’ scream but the words won’t come out”

ZAYN then references how within the band, he felt that he could not be himself. However, once he became his own artist, he acknowledges that he can now speak his truth with his music, no longer controlled by his previous management. It is highly possible that ZAYN is referencing his song tRuTh, where he further expresses his new freedom.

The musical aspect of this song is also incredible. ZAYN is consistent with the techno-R&B theme, incorporating it into this song with the background themes. His vocals are angelic in the background, especially with the introduction, which immediately hooks the listener to the song. Unique from other songs on this album, though, ZAYN does not choose to sing with his usual vocal range in this song. Instead of hitting impressive notes and harmonizing perfectly, ZAYN chooses to have a deeper, melancholy tone. The song is not exactly a rap, but it follows the same beats as a rap song. Even with this different style, ZAYN still manages to show the span of his talent, incorporating emotion into every line and keeping control of his voice. This song is truly incredible and I implore you to listen to what I consider, ZAYN’s greatest song of all time.

PAS 6: Melodies from Mind of Mine, a Review– dRuNk

A song that perfectly encapsules the relaxedness of summer, dRuNk provides a soothing tune that delights all audiences.

As an adamant ZAYN ‘stan’, I have followed the singer’s career from his X Factor days to his solo career by religiously streaming his music and consistently having him as my #1 artist on my Spotify Wrapped year after year. Because of my passionate dedication to him, my passion blog will be a review of some of my favorite songs from ZAYN’s debut album, Mind of Mine. In my sixth blog, I will be reviewing dRuNk.

In dRuNk, ZAYN remembers his intoxicated nights with his summer fling.

“We’re so late nights
Red eyes, amnesia, on ice
Late nights, red eyes
Amnesia, I need ya”

The song relates intoxication from drugs and alcohol to being similar to the feeling of love. ZAYN explains this by saying that he’s drunk in love:

“Right now, I can’t see straight

Intoxicated, it’s true, when I’m with you

I’m buzzing and I feel laced

I’m coming from a different phase when I’m with you”


“Wasted every night

Gone for every song

Faded every night

Dancing all night long”

ZAYN’s love for his partner makes him feel the symptoms of being drunk— he simply cannot think straight and his emotions are numbed, just like the effects of drugs and alcohol. The way he strains some of the lyrics, such as in the entry of Verse 2, shows the deep passion of his emotions, which reflect how in love ZAYN is. The background repeat of “drunk” towards the end of the song is slurred together, further expressing the motif of intoxication. The comparison between love and intoxication is somewhat cliched (ex. “Drunk in Love” by Beyonce), but I still enjoy the way that ZAYN chose to describe the overall emotion and mood of being intoxicated.

The beat in the background accompanies the lyrics quite successfully. The background vocals are seductive, whispers that remind the listener of the wooziness of being drunk. The piano adds a classic touch, giving remnants of 90’s R&B hits. The beat and overall sound is very modern despite the nostalgia, which truly reflects the maturity of ZAYN’s new music compared to his pop hits during his time in One Direction. I mentioned in previous blogs that the techno-beat was a large theme that exists in the Mind of Mine album. This song successfully follows this common theme— the instrumentals manage to be both classic and modern, having piano and techno compliment one another to create a nostalgic yet futuristic tune.


PAS 5: Melodies from Mind of Mine, a Review– tRuTh

The name itself gives this song a quite powerful meaning.

As an adamant ZAYN ‘stan’, I have followed the singer’s career from his X Factor days to his solo career by religiously streaming his music and consistently having him as my #1 artist on my Spotify Wrapped year after year. Because of my passionate dedication to him, my passion blog will be a review of some of my favorite songs from ZAYN’s debut album, Mind of Mine. In my fifth blog, I will be reviewing tRuTh.

In tRuTh, ZAYN speaks his truth (pun intended) about his transition from being a boy-band member of One Direction to becoming his own solo artist. The lyrics are very cut and clear:

“This ain’t my scene, this ain’t my dream.”

In many interviews, ZAYN has said that he never wanted to join a boy band. The backstory is that each member of One Direction was eliminated in the solo competition of the X Factor, and because the judges liked them all so much, they were put together in one group. However, that was never ZAYN’s intent— he always wanted to be his own solo artist. In an interview, he spoke on One Direction’s style of music: “I wasn’t 100 percent behind the music. It wasn’t me.”

In the prechorus and chorus, ZAYN confidently claims that his listeners will find out the truth soon enough:

“I won’t point any fingers, I won’t say it was you
I’ll let life take its time, and in time, you’ll see the truth”

“See the truth, see the truth”

ZAYN has very few interviews of him speaking on his past with One Direction, which proves that he does not want to directly blame anyone, but there is someone he has in mind. Many speculate that he is talking about Simon Cowell, who was the one to sign One Direction after they were eliminated in the X Factor.

In the bridge, ZAYN slips in one more message:

“I tried, hide it all”

ZAYN has expressed that while he was in the band, he was not allowed to sing a certain way, or change his appearance dramatically. When ZAYN sent in samples of R&B songs, they were rejected immediately because they were not pop. His managers had also told him that he could not dye his hair or grow out his beard in order to maintain a “boy band look”. Overall, ZAYN expresses with his lyrics just how oppressive the boy band industry is, and he hopes that people can finally see the truth.

Although the melody of this song is much more sad and slow than other songs that have been reviewed so far, there is still an R&B beat in the background. The song is also very mature sounding— although it may not be purposeful, it demonstrates just how much ZAYN has grown since his time with One Direction. He won’t point any fingers because he’s more mature as himself, as a solo artist.