The country I am choosing is Hungary. I am choosing this country because I am thirty percent Hungarian on my mom’s side. Growing up, she would make us Hungarian food, but that is all I know about my heritage.
Hungary is a landlocked country in Europe, whose capital is Budapest. Hungary is a former communist country, therefore I am interested in how its disability culture was affected by that change. Finally, as a mother to two children with disabilities, I am interested in disability culture as it relates to my heritage.
August 29, 2018 at 1:37 pm
That is an interesting question – I wonder as well how transitioning from a communist to a democratic government would affect those with disabilities. One would suspect that conditions improved since the transition but, knowing little about communist countries and how they operate I know I am missing knowledge to make an informed hypothesis.
Hungary does seem to be a fairly moderate country as far as development goes – so I am very curious to see how they treat their citizens who have disabilities. So far I’ve noticed a lot of the under-developed countries still view disabilities as curses or being caused by spirits.
August 29, 2018 at 5:18 pm
I think it is great to want to learn more about your heritage and disability in that country. It will be interesting to see how communism affects people with disabilities. Is there a specific disability you will be focusing on?