After briefly researching different options, I thought it would be most interesting to discover more about a place in the world connected to my heritage, Sweden. I’ve chosen to focus on studying anxiety in Sweden, particularly anxiety among children and adolescents. Almost immediately after beginning my search, it became clear that not only is anxiety extremely prevalent in Sweden, but prescriptions given to treat it are on the rise (Nuse, 2018). I’d like to know more about why it’s so common here and what it’s like for those living with it. I’d like to uncover how the Swedish culture interprets and treats disabilities. There seems to be an abundance of information pertaining to this topic and I’m highly interested in following through to research more about it.
Nuse, I. P. (2018, August 13). Swedish youth prescribed more anxiety medications. Retrieved from
September 2, 2018 at 5:27 pm
I actually considered Sweden myself as the country to research however, I ended up going with Norway instead for personal preference. I think the culture in Sweden is probably much different than here in the US. I wonder if they have more acceptance of mental illness and that is why medication for anxiety is on the rise? I can’t wait to read more, looking forward to your posts.