BRAZIL: ADHD and other Behavioral Disabilities


  • Provide basic information and stats on your country (general geography, overall demographics, and disability statistics on your population):

 -Total Population: 183,888,841
 -Area that is covers: 3,286,470 square miles
 -Language Spoken: Portuguese
 -Largest South American Country
 -Most of the land is considered dense forest
 -Known for the Amazon Rainforest
 -Two Biggest Cities: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (43% of the population lives in either city)
 -Majority are from 3 ethnic groups: Amerindians, European settlers (mainly from Portugal) and Africans
 -Rich in Cultures: music, religion, and culinary
 -Football fanatics
 -Considered to be a federal republic
 -South America’s most industrial nation (producing chemicals, aircrafts, cars and steel)
** Above bullet points (“Brazil facts: learn about this cool country!”, 2018)
 -About 46% of the Brazilian population is said to have a “deficiency” (their terminology used to describe what we call a disability)
 -Disability has become a social perspective more than a medical perspective as of the latest
 inclusion is on the rise, as well as education
 -most populated South American country is also home to the largest population of those with an identified disability of some sort
** The above (4) bullet points (“Brazil-ILO Global”)
 -ADHD prevalence is similar to that of the worldwide population
 -Treatment differs due to the disfavoring of pharmaceutical interventions
 -Main form of treatment approach is psychoanalytical
** The above (3) bullet points (“Large differences in ADHD treatment”


Model(s) of disability most common: (This will likely require your interpretation of how your country’s healthcare system is set up, availability/accessibility/use of social services, social views on the etiology of disability, and treatment of people with disabilities)

 -Functional Model
     > In some cases, this type of model is used to aide in the betterment of the overall quality of the person or persons lives that have a diagnosed or identified disability
 -Sociopolitical Model
     >Some studies and research suggest there is still a gap needs bridged between how a person with a disability is being categorized and treated overall in every aspect of their lives
 -As mentioned above in prior section; treatment approaches are likely to follow a more holistic and behavioral route apposed to that of medication or pharmaceutical interventions thus leading to the models stated above as the most identifiable forms of interpretation


  • Perception of people with disability: (acceptance, stigma, and discrimination)

– Inclusion of People with Disabilities Act was passed in 2015 (“Brazil Passes Inclusion of People with Disabilities Act”, 2015)

-In order for a bill to be placed into affect, makes me believe that there were issues with acceptance, stigma, and discrimination among those with disabilities.


  • Conclusion:

 -In essence Brazil seems to be a country that is still developing its rights and stipulations in regard to disability management. Taking a deeper look into the different aspects and topics that build into the data I have extracted has allowed me to gain more insight as to where Brazilian’s stand amongst the world’s population on disability culture. Although, there is not a lot of detailed information on specific topics, the information that has been provided is still equitable in my search for more answers into Brazilian disability culture, both as a whole and within cases including ADHD and other Behavioral disabilities.




Brazil facts: Learn about this cool country! (2018, March 01). Retrieved October 7, 2018, from

Brazil. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2018, from

Large differences in ADHD treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2018, from

G. (2015, June 12). Brazil Passes Inclusion of People with Disabilities Act. Retrieved October 7, 2018, from