People who are disabled in Poland struggle to access the environment around them. Many of the public spaces are out of date and are hard to access for people with disabilities currently, but a new project in Poland as allocated a large sum of funds to fix this problem (Radio Poland, 2018). The project is a multibillion dollar program to design public spaces and give more access to the environment.

There is access to technology and assistive technology, but it is normally to support employment in the present setting. The technology is currently restricted to those who need it most, and not for those who might want it for recreational use, such as being able to communicate to friends or families (Pathways Project, 2018).

There are very limited accommodations in Poland. Most laws in Poland surround a person not being able to work and being given a Pension from Social Insurance (Pathways Project, 2018). Inclusive hiring is not really written into policy, and companies do not take it upon themselves.

Poland often relied heavily on institutionalization for many disabilities, but presently many people are trying to fight this view and are striving to change it (Polanska, 2018). It is nice to see that they are really working to change this pattern.

Healthcare is funded by the government, and it is therefore influenced by the policy and ideals of the government (Nieszporska, 2016). There is access to healthcare for all, but there are no extra features in place for those with disabilities.

They assist children and adults who are disabld visually.


School that focuses on working with children with disabilities.

Broniewskiego 89, Warszawa, Poland

  • regional resources for people with disabilities, and
  • nationwide resources for people with disabilities.

The school works with children with learning disabilities.


Inclusive school that provides services to children who needs them.



Nation Wide:


It is a system for inclusive education.


The academic Network of European Disability Experts.

Offers independent living in Poland.