Brazil has initiated a program to help reduce the inaccessibility that has largely affected its population. The program, The Brazilian Urban Accessibility Program of the Ministry of Cities, aims to help those with a disability or restriction of mobility to gain adequate access to things such as transportation and modernized technology. This program, along with constitutional amends, has allowed those with a disability the empowerment and inclusion every human deserves. Yet despite these efforts being made, transportation in Brazilian cities continue to lack the capabilities of serving those who have a disability and/or mobility restriction. According to one study only about 5% of transits offer the means to support every individual’s needs (Boareto).
Another program that has set out to aide in the overall inclusion and embetterment of every human life, is known as Fundo Brazil or Brazil’s Human Rights Program. Their mission is to serve Brazil’s population in every aspect and to reach every form of human existence among Brazil. Ultimately this program wants to see total social justice for anyone and everyone under Brazilian population (“Our Mission”).
As far as Brazil’s population affected with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), there is no specific statistics regarding any form of institutionalizing these types of cases.


Access to healthcare in general within Brazil is generally based upon socioeconomic status. Specifically speaking to those seeking care for ADHD however, has been found to be a topic of disagreement. Much of the worlds population that has been diagnosed with ADHD are being treated with some form of stimulant drug. However, in parts of Brazil medication treatment for this disorder is not an option (“The Brazilian policy of withholding treatment for ADHD is probably increasing health and social costs “).

As far as community resources available for those with a diagnosis of ADHD, a lack of specific-detailed information is available. The limited information provided explains how socioeconomic status throughout regions of Brazil vary greatly and that those with a higher status are more likely to seek resources. Those seeking the resources are ultimately choosing some form of mental health service that is limited to their region of inhabitance.


Boareto, R. (n.d.). Brazil Accessible [PDF].

Our Mission. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Brazilian policy of withholding treatment for ADHD is probably increasing health and social costs [PDF]. (n.d.).