RHS 100 Fall 2018

Disability Around the World Blog


Alexandra Leigh Richeson

Accessibility in India

    India seems to have all the information, resources and even legislation to make the country more accessible. It is time to start enforcing action. There is still much to be done to make the environment, technology and healthcare… Continue Reading →

Disability in India

Disability in India With a population of almost 1.3 billion, India is the second most largely populated country in the world. Such a large population means the government must face challenges in meeting the unique individual needs of its people…. Continue Reading →

Overview of depression in China

China, home to the largest ethnic group of the world, makes up 22% of the worlds population. Of its 1.3 billion people, 85 million of them have disabilities (WHO, 2017). A disability that is not as well recognized in China… Continue Reading →

Depression and Anxiety China

The country I choose to study is China and the disability will be depression. I became interested in learning more about how depression is approached in China after learning that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has the… Continue Reading →

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