Accessibility Instead of reading off statistics, I decided to include the perspectives of two people, each with a disability, currently living in Sweden. Personal stories often tell a truer tale than do statistics on a page. First, Jesper. Jesper has… Continue Reading →
Legislation Sweden estimates about 1.5 million people are living with a disability within its borders (Sweden, 2018). In order to preserve the quality of these individuals’ lives, Sweden has developed a disability policy. Personally, I think its absolutely incredible. The… Continue Reading →
Sweden General Geography Sweden is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe; it shares this peninsula with Norway (Enander & Norman, 2018). Sweden’s land has three primary regions. The northern region is Norrland and consists of mountains and forests (Enander… Continue Reading →
After briefly researching different options, I thought it would be most interesting to discover more about a place in the world connected to my heritage, Sweden. I’ve chosen to focus on studying anxiety in Sweden, particularly anxiety among children and adolescents…. Continue Reading →
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