Disability Around the World Blog

Author Jessica Grimwood

Rwanda – Part 3

In Rwanda, many assistive devices are unattainable due to the cost of these devices and lack of coverage from health insurance.  High cost and unavailability of assistive devices and technologies such as wheelchairs, prostheses, hearings aids, visual aids on the… Continue Reading →

Rwanda Part2

The Constitution is the supreme law in Rwanda and includes laws for persons with disabilities.  Article 11 of the constitution states: All Rwandans are born and remain free and equal in rights and duties. Discrimination of whatever kind based on,… Continue Reading →

Rwanda Blog Post Part 1

Rwanda is the country that I chose for my study.  Rwanda, which is hilly and fertile is located in central Africa.  It is also one of the smallest countries on that continent.  It borders the far larger and richer Democratic… Continue Reading →

Jessica Grimwood

Hi, I am a single mother of two beautiful daughters and two awesome dogs.  I am currently majoring in psychology.  I look forward to this course and all it has to offer.


An estimated 60-80 million people are living with disabilities today (Disabled World, 2017) in Africa.  A large portion of those individuals with disabilities are not allowed to attend school or work, leaving them to have no means of living with society… Continue Reading →

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