Accessibility: Brazil has initiated a program to help reduce the inaccessibility that has largely affected its population. The program, The Brazilian Urban Accessibility Program of the Ministry of Cities, aims to help those with a disability or restriction of mobility… Continue Reading →
Laws/Policies: Despite Brazil’s growing population the means to support individuals with a disability in all aspects of their lives has also continued to grow. More specifically, Brazil has what is known as an International Labour Organization that has specific guidelines… Continue Reading →
BRAZIL: ADHD and other Behavioral Disabilities Provide basic information and stats on your country (general geography, overall demographics, and disability statistics on your population): -Total Population: 183,888,841 -Area that is covers: 3,286,470 square miles -Language Spoken:… Continue Reading →
Hey everyone my name is Kodi, I am 22 years old. I am currently in my second year with PSU World Campus and finishing up my senior year. I am majoring in psychology and I hope to one day pursue… Continue Reading →
Aside from many other countries Brazil is known for taking a different approach when it comes to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I am intrigued to find out more about how their culture and different types of resources aide in their… Continue Reading →
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