Disability Around the World Blog

Author Lydia Rose Nolan

My name is Lydia and I am a Senior at PSU. My hobbies include going to the beach, spending money that I don't have, and procrastinating by watching new girl. I am currently studying psychology with the Neuroscience focus and am taking the GREs in the spring, then applying to Physician's assistant school.

Germany Part 3

Germany Part 3 Accessibility: “Under German law, people with disabilities are entitled to help and assistance in order to avert, eliminate, or improve their disability.” (Book 9 of the Social Code of Germany) Because of this statement; accessibility to technology,… Continue Reading →

Germany Part 2

One of Germany’s recent laws passed in 2016 is called the “Bundesteilhabegesetz” law, or “federal participation law” (Knight, 2016.) This law was passed for people considered to be “seriously disabled” to keep their benefits regardless of their partners income. Additionally,… Continue Reading →

Disability Around the World Blog, Part 1

Germany is located in west-central Europe and has features like the Swiss alps, the North sea, and the Baltic Sea. It has the largest population in Europe having over eighty-two million people; making it 17th largest in the world. Germany… Continue Reading →

Lydia Nolan

Hi Everyone! My name is Lydia and I am a Senior at PSU. My hobbies include going to the beach, hanging out with friends/family, spending money that I don’t have, and procrastinating by watching Netflix. I am currently studying psychology… Continue Reading →

Germany; Europe’s Leader in Treating Mental Illness

While researching the mental health in Germany and knowing nothing about it prior, I clicked on a link with an article written by Dr. Eileen Wollburg. Wollburg explains in the article that, “Germany leads Europe in its commitment to treating mental… Continue Reading →

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